Have you had a stem cell treatment and if so, what was your experience like? Please also see our 2020 guide and polls on stem cell treatment cost.
I really value the diversity of readers on this blog from all over the world. I know we have a lot of readers who are patients and have had stem cell treatments. Every week I get emails from people asking about stem cell treatments and clinics.
I encourage you to weigh in here in the comments if you or a loved have had a stem cell treatment. What was it like? If it was positive, why did you feel that way? Same if it was negative.
How much did you have to pay and did you think it was reasonable?
What condition were you hoping to improve?
How did you find out about the clinic and would you refer someone else to them?
Anything else you’d like to share? Feel free to remain anonymous if you prefer.
I’ve also started a new series in 2020 where I do Q&A’s with patients. Here are the first three installments in that series:
- Patients stem cell Q&A#1: can clinic injections cause GVHD?
- Patient Q&A#2: Are autoimmune or stem cell transplant patients at higher risk from COVID-19?
- Patient Q&A #3: what is PRP & is it worth trying?
Patients are being more vocal about their experiences with stem cell clinics. Some are even leaving reviews online such as on Yelp are via Google on stem cell clinics. It can be hard to be sure about whether some of the reviews are authentic (probably the vast majority) or are somehow being put out there by the clinics themselves.
You had your PRP done with Dr. Kranberg correct, cause he’s the only Regenexx Dr.. in N.J. He did my stem cell procedure back in 2017 for a torn rotator cuff and he also did a booster PRP for the same shoulder in 2019. Unfortunately my tear hasn’t healed from either of the procedures so I’ve been looking into Exosomes since Joe Rogan stated that’s what heel his full rotator cuff tear but unfortunately the FDA is investigating labs producing Exosomes so legit clinics aren’t using it right now. I’m looking at BioXcellerator in Colombia but I’m NOT seeing 3,6,9, or 12 month feedback from anyone as of yet so I’m on the sidelines waiting to see if it’s worth it cause it’s pricey $$$..
Thank you Daphney – you are handling a full load for sure!! I appreciate your input and look forward to health and continued healing for you.
Jen. I had a stem cell injection from umbilical cord a week ago, in the bottom of my heel for severe planters fasciitis , must say I hurt the same or worse. I know nothing about stem cells, not sure if more required to work, my dr didn’t talk much about it. Other than he got it approved through Medicare so nothing our of pocket. I am under chronic pain management for C 6-7, L 4-5, Sciatica, foot and ankle pain, both knees. For the L 4-5, a remedial nerve block on both sides lasted for 1 yr giving relief from severe pain from L4-5 down thru hips back of legs knees and feet… horrible pain and it’s back. Ice help and Gabapentin and tramadal for pain. 6 yr old pronlem. Oct I’ll have the C 6-7 disk removed and new disk put in with a plate and screws. I look forward as it causes neck, right arm pain and numbness and left arm to-elbow.
I have only had the 1 stem cell injection & that was in the bottoms of my heel.
Hope you do well and continue to improve.
Hope your treatment went well, how are you feeling at this point ? I’m not a weight lifter but have a lot going on C 6/7 neck scheduled to remove 2- disk, replace and a plate , Many steroid injections in neck, L4/5, both knees, severe planters fashitis and multiple tendon ruptures. When I read your post and that your having everything injected during the same procedure, I found this interesting. If I can manage this I’d do the same. Thank you Daphney
Hi Erin – I had the same injections one week ago today. Cervical 2CCs C5-C7 and 2 CCs to my L4 L5. Sciatica significant improvement since day 1. However spasms have returned alternating in shoulders and upper/mid back. More prominent on day 6&7. Not close to what I had 8 months ago but I did improve with a bio mechanical therapist as of 3 months ago. Think I’m also adjusting to removing topical & oral NSAIDS from my system. Do you recall when you really felt consistent significant improvement in your neck? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. I see the Dr. on the 30th and return to PT. Thank you 🙏
Hello Dan, where have you had your treatment, please?
I am having Regenexx here in NJ on Thursday, they are doing super PRP on my spine (L3-4), both of my quad tendons and my one ankle. As a long time weight lifter, I am a wreck. Doctors want to fuse my spine (L3,4,5), I had a complete tear repaired on my quad that did not heal properly, the other quad tendon is frayed and my ankle, I had a compound fracture with a plate and screws, so lots of arthritis now.
So without the ankle it will cost $2850 (trying to get the ankle put in there). So lots cheaper than stem cells. Will update with results
I have had HA shots in my right arm for 5 years. Every year i get the set. Its because of right shoulder arthroscopic surgery for a tiny impingement- that left me with too little collagen. I am just looking into the exomes and Wharton’s jelly.
Thank you this is so encouraging. Question how do they remove the umbilical stem cells ? Is this a procedure, somewhat like they extract your stem cells from your umbilical cord and inject it in right then ? My orthopedic doctor/ surgeon just received approved from Medicare and my supplemental insurance, for stem cells for planters fasciitis. However, at this point I’m not sure where the stem cells come from, they’ve just scheduled a date for the procedure. I am a chronic pain patient because ofndegenerative arthritis in multiple areas, Will soon schedule a surgery on C 6/7 to remove 2 disk and put a plate with 6 screws, Steroid injections are not helping, is a 20 yr issue I’ve had several knee injections and L4/5 . After reading not so good comments and gaining knowledge of what can go wrong and now reading your post I’m encouraged and look forward to this procedure so would like to hear more from you .
Kate what kind of stem cells did they inject? I’m getting ready for planter fascitus stem cell, just not sure yet what kind.
I am curious to know how you are doing now? I am 2+ weeks post injections in both hips and am in terrible pain like you mentioned. I was fine the first four days but then it went downhill. I cannot walk currently.
Can you explain what happened and how you ended up not walking? I am 2+ weeks post injection and I am in terrible pain and cannot walk either. I had injections in both hips.
I got took. Bozeman MT..Umbilical cord. They are dead after frozen
It’s a lie embryonic cells are Newer. They DIE as soon as they are frozen
OMG HOW I AGREE I am just starting to fight now with my stem cell quack from Bozeman MT and won’t stop. I can’t even Walk anymore
Hi David would also appreciate knowing where you went mikeartaguirre@gmail.com
Hello Heather, I hope you are doing better. I have DDD in my L5 S1 and I was considering getting stem cell treatment instead of surgery for my problem. I was wondering how your doing now?
Awesome post! In my case, I’m just beginning my research after attending a (ghastly chicken) dinner seminar about a company called Regenerative Biologics, which highlights umbilical stem cells, especially for older folks (I’m almost 60). Reason being is that my cells are just as ancient as I am, and the brand new umbilical cells reproduce MUCH faster. Again, only beginning my research. Thank you for the ideas and info, and good health to you!
Maureen Strickland, Tacoma, WA
The umbilical stem cells they can legally use In The US aren’t the same as the ones outside the country.. in places like Columbia and Panama they can legally culture the stem cells making them work much more effectively.. I’ve had stem cells in the US and they didn’t work (it’s been 5 months now) I’m trying to get to Columbia for some different cell treatment.
Good luck
Would you be able to email me where you had treatment?
Hi Katrina, I saw that you commented below in response to another poster that you had the treatment and it went well. I would love to know what type of cells you went with (umbilical, bone marrow, etc), and if umbilical, where did you go to have it done? So hard to find good info on this stuff (& your problem happens to be very similar to mine). Any info would be greatly appreciated! k.leafily@gmail.com 🙂
I would suggest to file a complaint with the State of Florida Medical Board. If enough complaints are filed for this particular physician then medical board will address the problem.
(MY NEW PAIN MANAGEMENT DOCTOR/STEM CELL DOCTOR/DR SCIENTIST) I am a chronic pain suffer and he told me basically straight out that in order to keep receiving my pain medication. I been on for 6 years without any issues may I remind you that if I don’t pay 5,000 for stem cell injections. He wouldn’t help control my agonizing constant pain I don’t think it’s right to have to pay 5,000 out of my own pocket because insurance doesn’t cover stem cell injections. I wish there was something that I could do to have this crooked money stealing doctor have his license revoked patients are suffering due to doctors like that If anybody could guide me to
RIGHT THIS WRONG I appreciate it.
OAKLAND PARK FL is where he’s located THANK YOU.
Thanks for sharing such a detailed article about If you’ve had a stem cell treatment, how was your experience? keep up the good work! It is great blog post. I am Always read your blog. Helpful and Informative blog. Thanks for sharing these information with us.
What does that look like for you?
would you kindly contact me with the name of where I can get further info from the clinic where you did yours. I am considering the Regenexx clinic in Denver, who supposedly are the oldest folks involved with this, but I am also leaning towards the umbilical Stem treatment, even if I have to travel to Cayman, which is were they do it. Many thanks for your kind post.
Robert Pullen
I had my treatment there it was very positive and great results!
My guess, the problem is spammers and scammers. There’s no way to validate the testimonials at scale. You can be sure that as the site becomes more popular, they will come.
I know it sucks. I use trustpilot.com and google (together) for gathering info. It’s a ton of time and work.
Hey, I have a very similar diagnosis and I am your age as well. Where did you get your treatment?
Hi Brad~
Could you email me the facility you went to for treatment? I am having a tough time figuring out the good places from the scams… it would be of great help to me & my husband. Many many thanks in advance.
Hi Erin~ your symptoms are very similar to mine. Could you email me the clinic you went to? I am having a very tough time figuring out where to go… word of mouth is always the best! Many many thanks in advance.
You are making it so difficult for those of us trying to find a legitimate clinic. Why not let those with a good experience say where they went? This is so maddening… and the information would be so helpful!
nice article on prp therapy
I did stem cell in February 2020 for my left knee. He also did the right one. We used my own stem cells taken from bone marrow from my pelvic area. It was horrendous. In April, I got very sick, have lost 26 lbs, my nervous system is out of control and I can barely do anything at all. I had a mold exposure in 2005 and that is what my doc thinks caused this, but I am terrified that something went wrong with the stem cell in my knees. I have had tons of bloodwork that shows I am in perfect health, yet here I sit, literally wasting and having no quality of life at this point. My regular doc said that if the stem cells had caused an infection, it would show up in my sedimentation rate and mine is low. I have gone through alot of my savings and can’t work. Does anyone know someone I could call for help. I’m willing to pay to get some answers. I still at times can feel the needles going in and I itch in the area where they took the stem cells……
Liver treatment? Veteran, major alcohol abuse and trying to avoid a transplant. I am moving to Mexico and have some clinics I am looking at. Has anyone used this kind of treatment. I have read that it can speed up regeneration. Sober for 4 months now.
MRI said ull thickness cartilage defect and fissuring along the median patellar ridge, measuring approx. .7 mm. Injury happened at 29, currently 32.
For 1.5 years chronic pain, some days better than others, but not one day where it did not hurt. Tried a PRP shot in the joint that seemed to make going down stairs easier, but it hurt straightening the leg. Was in PT the whole time, no effect.
6 months after doing only prp, is when i did the stem cell. Fat Adipose/PRP/Bone Marrow Mix. It’s been 4 months and my life is much improved. I can’t do any high impact, but my daily life is much better. I doubt I will ever get back to normal, but just not dealing with chronic pain is a blessing.
I had stem cells put in a knee 4 weeks ago. I have been in pain for at least 20 years. The last 3 years my knee was so bad I could hardly turn over in bed. For the first time in years I’m not in pain. So far this has been a promising procedure!!!
I’ve been off from work and will go back soon. I work directly with the public and I’m concerned About going back to work and if I contracted Covid I’m concerned it will damage the stem cells.
Is that a valid concern?
Hello Kate Could you please tell where you had your treatment done? thanks
Hi Kate thank you for sharing your experience with stem cells. My mother just got them yesterday and she has alot of pain is that normal?
UPDATE on my 2.5 year old post above:
I had to have a second – bone marrow this time – autologous IV stem cell procedure 2 years ago. Stem cells have been an absolute (though expensive) godsend to me. Life changing as I have arachnoiditis after a lumbar puncture. No other issues on MRI except miniscule TCs on S1/S2 level and my pain has mostly been mid-torso, all around fire at level of LP. It was a poor decision to ever get that LP based on transient (probably shingles) symptoms.
Anyway stem cells did the trick for me and I know many others who benefited (and a few who have not). For pain conditions, esp. central pain, there is some kind of pain reset that happens for many of us. How much healing actually occurs? Some MRIs have changed years later, probably because when homeostatis is established, CNS normal fibrolysis processes tip the balance – slowly with courage – in our favor. Anyway, that’s not my MRI, a friends. And moreover, pain and MRI are not in proportion with arachnoiditis. Pain varies, and stem cells seem to give at least a few years improved pain (we’ll see!) to the majority who CHOOSE a COMPETENT, non-scam clinic that is honest about the actual results they are seeing.
The trick is, how to do that? “Due diligence,” is my glib response. Call, facebook, google, trustpilot, network with other patients. If I had any answers, I’d share them. I won’t recommend any particular clinic here but it’s not hard to find online some for many conditions. Make sure to insist on testimonials where you can track back to original patients via facebook, see their lives, and talk to them. Are they real? Maybe not.
Anyway until we have deep pockets doing huge controlled studies (how do you even do that with autologous stem cells – maybe my life is one big placebo effect – yeah, right!), we’re stuck taking our best shot when we reach that desperation point that even if I wasted my money, i needed to take this chance. Let’s be clear, however, medicine is far better today than it was 50 years ago. It will be FAR better in 50 years than it is today… hopefully it will report actual medical injuries, not have huge numbers of misleading and WRONG peer reviewed articles, and not have medical injury at 3rd leading cause of death.
I reopened comments on this post since it was so valuable to so many patients.
I’m a 52 year old former Boston-area ballet dancer (37 years) turned competitive ballroom dancer who was sandwiched in my car between 2 cars and suffered a labral tear in thé left hip. My right hip was giving me a moderate amount of pain for years before the accident 2 years ago. I could dance when jacked up on Tylenol but would suffer greatly for days afterward. My gait and stance changed because of my new posture and how I was holding myself. Everything started to fall apart—I felt pain shifting to my lower back , occasionally to my knees and ankles, upper spine, neck, in addition to my hips. I had a catch that shot acute pain in my hip when I walked and I felt like I had to press on my hip so it wouldn’t pop out or tear more. I couldn’t sit more than 20 min without pain and I couldn’t walk more than .2 miles without pain. During the Covid-19 pandemic, i couldn’t stand the pain anymore and decided despite the Covid risks, to get the autologous stem cell procedure (with 2 follow up PRPs) on my hips. I went to a stem cell and pain management center in Framingham, Massachusetts.
I am today 2 weeks post procedure and feel like my hips, lower back, and nerves running down the sides of my thighs to my knees, are on fire. part way through the extremely intolerable and painful bone marrow extraction, I began to cry uncontrollably and even spontaneously lift my upper body and legs off of the table in pain. During the injections into my hips, I think they hit a nerve on each side sending an almost electrical shock down my thigh nerve (which still feels like I have a burn deep inside). I couldn’t imagine anything worse than the marrow extraction—they Should do this under general anesthesia.
Since then over the past 2 weeks, I’ve tried ice, heat, Tylenol, hydrocodone, CBD gummies, gentle exercises in a hot tub, and finally sitting on a plastic chair in 40 degree water up to my waist on Lake Winnepesaukee, NH. The lake has been the only thing that has given me relief and it lasts about a half hour. I still take 1000mg of Tylenol or the occasional hydrocodone when necessary just to get to sleep at night and Tylenol /CBD often during the day as well.
I’d like to hear from people how long the recovery took for them, if you had this much pain while healing and for how long, if you had to redo it (I don’t think I ever could), and how you feel now. Interestingly, I’m feeling extreme heat inside my body (no temperature), occasional bubbly feelings in my hips and on my nerves, and I usually have some relief when I stay in bed all day. This is 2 weeks now though. Is this normal? It’s getting depressing.
I’m so sorry about your accident and the horrible pain you are in now! I had a labral tear in my left hip and subsequently had arthroscopic surgery to repair it, but basically just made me get rid of anything good I had left. I tried PT for about a year and a half and stem cell therapy before getting a hip replacement. I did not have an experience anywhere near what you are describing. I had mine done at the Mayo Clinic in Fl. I was just given valium during the extraction and it was uncomfortable and I bruised afterward, but it wasn’t painful like you’re describing. I didn’t experience any pain at all during the injection. Afterward, I think I was supposed to stay off the leg for a few days so I had crutches and a wheelchair for the airport, but no pain, other than just typical bruising tenderness where they withdrew the marrow from my back.
I definitely would give a dr. a call if I were you.
I had in January 14, 2021 the left hip bone marrow injection, It was painful procedure and also I felt that they hit a nerve I was in pain for a week and then another good week with much less pain. The third week now the old pain in left hip before the procedure is coming back slowly. I not sure yet if it is a success.
I am so sorry for you and the pain. I am a 50 year old water skiing hair stylist with missing disc in my S-1 L5 and 20% left in L4 plus arthritis in sacral joints. I had stem cell therapy 6 weeks ago where they removed from both pelvic bones. The 1st four days were horrible and I couldn’t leave bed. Now I’m moving but feel worse than before the procedure. THC, Tylenol PM, massage and stretching is barely keeping me going. I started back on ibuprofen, turmeric, black seed oil, etc today desperately trying to get more comfortable. Stinks after all of this I will still have to get my low back fused. Good luck!
Just a reminder to everyone that the commenting here should not be to promote or facilitate people going to specific stem cell clinics. I try not to put up submitted comments that even unintentionally go down that road. Paul
Deb, I work be Interested in more information please, sharSh
I just had stem cell treatment 5 weeks ago and so far the improvement has been very positive. It was done using umbilical cord stem cells and I chose this method because, from what I’ve read and heard, that method has had the best rate of success over amniotic/ placental and drawing your own. The cost was $3000.00 per 1cc of stem cells. It’s a chunk of money, but from other methods and locations, I feel it’s reasonable. I had the injection divided between my neck (which was the biggest problem with degenerative disc disease) and my shoulder (slips out of alignment frequently). At week 5, this is what I’ve experienced: Shoulder – no more pain and it is finally staying in alignment now after 3 months of slipping out in as little as 2 days after getting it put back in. Neck – No headaches since the day after injection (I’ve had daily headaches for 30 years). Neck is more pliable, where it was hard as a rock. The right side of my neck has no pain at all now. The left side (which is the worst side) still has pain, but greatly reduced from pre-injection and still improving (the pain in my entire neck area was excruciating before for many years). My range of motion in my neck in the ability to turn my head to the left has drastically improved. I can finally look over my shoulder without having to turn my whole upper body. I haven’t been able to do that in years, either. The disc issue has also cause considerable numbness in both hands, severe often times, for about 25 years, as well as nerve pain. At this point, the nerve pain is gone. The numbness has decreased significantly in frequency, severity and duration. It isn’t totally gone, but I’m only midway through this whole process so I’m certain I’ll see further improvement. I should also note that in my neck, I’ve had days where its hurt/aches more than others. I can’t remember the term they used for that, but it’s a normal occurrence and generally goes away around 4-6 weeks. I’ve also started physical therapy to strengthen these areas as the tissue regenerates and I see my chiropractic weekly for a while as well. My advice is do your homework on the methods of stem cells used. There is a difference using umbilical vs. amniotic and your own. I would definitely recommend the group that I saw for the treatment.
Would you mind sharing the name of the facility you went to?
live, I had mine done in Portsmouth, nH.
Hi Erin, It sounds like it really has helped you. I am wanting to have umbilical cord stem cell treatment for heart problems. Would really like to ask you a few question if you don’t mind. Would you please email me on david@888property.net so I can make contact. I live in New Zealand. Thanks David
Erin, did you go thru a period of more pain before you improved? I know your headaches got better immediately. thanks.
Erin, I would love to talk to you. I have similar neck pain and headaches. Can I email you? My email address is bhachenburg@germer.com
Hi there-
I am hoping to get advice From you or anyone- I have advancedDDD with daily severe neck pain for 3 years. Most drs now saying surgery is my only option. I am scheduled for stem cell therapy after digging into alternative options. Wondering if pain was bad during the procedure and if anyone had a bad experience with it?
Erin email a brotha I need help got 2 torn labrum on shoulders need help
Erin can you email me your stem cell dr
Where do you get it done?Please email me the doctor!
Dear Erin C Cre. Of April 2018
Would you please let me know who did the procedure… which group in what city?
Thank you so much.
How you doing in general after 2 1/2 years.
greetings erin, i have had bone marrow cells in knee 5 years ago – experiment? small amount of 60 year old cells? been studying umbilical cells ever since, i keep coming back to bioxcellerator, having difficulty with getting info. on panama cell clinic. can you offer feedback from your knowledge, links, chat rooms, testimonials, etc.? i need lower back disc treatment, possible post surgery? thank you for any help that you can offer. sincerely, m. etcheberry
I’m about to contract a treatment provided in Medellin Colombia that offers the umbilical cord treatment for my spine. Could you please tell me know where you had yours?. I would very much appreciate your feedback. I’m in great pain.
I have had my bone marrow stem cells injected in both knees at separate times. My left 4 years ago while having surgery for cartilage and bone debridement. My surgeon said he was afraid I had waited too late and not sure of the results. Surprisingly, I recovered from that surgery very quickly and with very little pain that I attribute to the stem cells. 4 years later my left knee has just started having pain that is waking me up. I did the right knee three years ago while I was having rotator cuff surgery on my left shoulder. I didn’t want to wait too long on it. So far, I have been pain free in my right knee. I try to avoid as many steps as possible but being a realtor that is difficult at times. I am looking at right rotator surgery and want to discuss with my Doctor about doing my left knee again. Has anyone had a second injection and how did it do? It is $1000 cheaper if I do it in conjunction with another surgery. I went to a world renowned sports medicine center in Alabama. I don’t know the current costs but when I did them before they were $2500 each time. It would have been $3500 if just doing the stem cell injection.
Since no one seems to be posting their doctor I will not but if you want his name let me know. I highly recommend him and the entire center. I am blessed to have their experience, knowledge and expertise in my hometown. Athletes from all over the world come and I feel I am treated just the same. (Probably have to wait longer to get in but I will wait). My husband had bilateral knee replacement and I am trying to avoid this. Also, just found out I have a herniated disc and wonder if anyone has had success with prp? I read stem cells don’t work on disc issues.
I’d like to know who your doctor was, please.
Who is your doctor? Thanks!
Can you email me information christresslar1@yahoo.com
I am looking into Cervical disc stem cell treatment with cells from my own bone marrow. Has anyone had this done and want to share their results and experience? I am 38 non smoker, non drinker, organic focused, generally healthy individual that was seriously injured in a car wreck at a stop sign resulting in bulging disc with nerve root impingement. I feel like I’m a good candidate for stem cell therapy and just want to be able to use my arms, pick up my kids, and return to work as a massage therapist with out pain, or decreased.
I’ve been told I’m a good candidate for total disc replacement surgery, and would like to do no surgical treatment first. There are not any clinics in my state that use bone marrow stem cells, so I’m looking in Virginia, Florida. It is the c5-c6 disc that is affected. All info appreciated.
Look into using umbilical cord stem cells rather than your own. I just had treatment for degenerative disc disease 5 weeks ago and so far the problem is improving. There is a higher number of stem cells in umbilical cord since the number of stem cells in your body decrease as you get older. From what I’m seeing, there seems to be a higher rate of improvement with that method.
Hi Katrina
Did you have it done and how did it go?
It went well. It’s been 2 years, and I am glad I did it. I regained about 70% of my mobility and strength, and am able to do more than I was able to before surgery.
Katrina, did you use umbilical cord or your own bone marrow? I herniated my disc at L5-S1 a couple of years ago unknowingly. With excessive yard work which exacerbated the problem, now the disc loss so much height and is causing neural foraminal narrowing, which compresses on my nerve roots.
Where did you have it done? Please email me at jasonshow@gmail.com with any advice. much appreciated. Jason
Hi I had an injury on duty and hurt my right knee. The work send me to their Doctor only one week later when the pain become unbearable. Firstly the Doctor did not take X-rays. He just gave me pills After the second week my knee did not heel I went back to see the Doctor. This time when he examine my knee something in my knee sound like a bone braking. He then send me for x-rays. Then he suggest Blood stem cell therapy to use my own blood stem cells and to put it through a posses and re=inject it back into my body. He all so added something to clean my arteries from Cholesterol. After the first treatment my body started to pain and I had difficulty with movements of both my arms. I was unable to move my arms higher than my shoulders and I still battle to move them. I ended up in the hospital for a month couldn`t walk and help myself. After an extensive treatment by a specialist he could not help me. I lost my job due to long illness. Now I have different sicknesses that affects my organs and my life. I just want to warn you all. There is all so inconclusive studies. Don`t do it unless it is for cancer. My life is a mess. I would like to hear about your negative re-actions. I nearly died and I will not recommend this treatment to anyone.
Has anyone on this site had stem cell treatment for heart problems with “Human Umbilical Cord Tissue” or a placental-derived product. I’m very interested to hear outcome and would like to make contact with you if your willing to discuss. David
I am 67 years old and a professional athlete. I have had 3 PRP injections and recently a stem cell injection in my left hip using the stems from the bone marrow in my right hip. My Osteoarthritis is severe which mitigated my level of healing. However, the treatments, especially the stem calls, have made a difference in pain and have allowed me to win 2 world championships and put a hip replacement at bay. My physician is the only physician in XXXXX who is board certified in Regenerative Medicine. He has a state of the art treatment center with a fantastic team. I highly recommend seeking out the very best in the field because the expertise of your doctor makes a major difference int the results.
I should also mention that in the last PRP treatment he also gave me an injection in my shoulder for a 5 mm tear in my Supraspinatus and miraculously it was healed in a day. It is exciting to see where this field of medicine will be in a decade or two.
Editor’s note: comment edited to avoid potential promotion of a clinic-related business.
Hello…my left hip has severe osteo arthritis as well .it’s actually bone on bone…my understanding is once it’s bone on bone there is no cartilage to regenerate…you did say the stem cell kept the pain at Bay..will you eventually need a hip replacement?
Thank you
A hip replacement in the future is a possibility. If the research on growing the hip cartilage in a lab and then creating the scaffolding from a 3 D printer fused with calcium moves quickly enough then I won’t. I am my perfect weight, do daily exercises to support the surrounding muscles and eat a clean diet. My physician is against the use of NSAID’s so I don’t take them any more. If I do need a replacement eventually at least the system that they use will keep improving. The latest is a dual mobility system with non breakable ceramic on the head. It mitigates the risk of dislocation and greatly increases the range of motion. This is crucial for me because I use acrobatics in my art-form.
My physician was clear that my osteoarthritis was severe due to years of gymnastics on hard floors. He said that he has seen some success with those who had a stem cell injection when they had bone on bone with no cartilage. Their bodies created some kind of cushion even though it may be structurally somewhat inferior to cartilage. My pain is never really more than a 2 out of ten right now, but I haven’t regained any range of motion. However, he didn’t expect that I would. My 180 degree split has been 155 degrees for the past several years, but I can live with that as long as the pain is mitigated.
Your very fortunate you found a good Dr you can trust..I have been trying to get into a clinical trial .I wouldn’t know where to go for stem cell..my range of motion use to be a 180 it’s now reduced to maybe 90 and that’s pushing it. I’m in alot of pain..around 7..I’m maybe 10 , 20 .pounds over weight because it’s hard to get around because of the limp..my left leg is now shorter than the right..I’m very sad about all of this because I’m only 57😀. I waited to long to go to Dr I guess..most of my issues are due to years of riding horses and many many falls..
You may have seen my post a few weeks ago. I’m 43, bone on bone in my left hip from injury and then arthroscopic surgery that made it worse. Had stem cell at a very reputable place in November. The stem cell with PT has helped the pain some. Not enough though. I’m having a replacement next month.
Hi..was just wondering how you were doing? How is your hip?
I just saw the orthopedic surgeon that is doing my hip replacement in mid-March. He’s going to do it robotically and it only takes 30-45 minutes. They took x-rays of my hip again, the last ones were from this past August. My hip is significantly worse than it was then, and it was already bone on bone. At this point, I’m really looking forward to the replacement. I’m so excited to walk without pain! If you want to email me directly, kellicjackson@gmail.com, I’m happy to tell you were I went for stem cell treatment. It didn’t help me at all, but I was extremely impressed with the dr and his knowledge.
So you waited 6 months for the stem cell treatment to work and it didn’t?
Please tell me who your doctor is.
I would like to know if anyone has RA Arthritis or known anyone with RA who has had Stem Cell therapy? I can’t seem to find enough information how it would be beneficial since my body pretty much attacks itself causing my pain and inflammation. if you have had Stem Cell therapy has it worked? how much has it helped? can you go back to do physical activities at all?
I have RA as well as OA. Very painful. I’d like to know more, too. Good luck!
Dear Leslie,
I do not have RA, but I do have SLE (systemic lupus) where my body is attacking itself everywhere and not just at the joints. I have had stem cell therapy (using my own cells and those from donors) and it has worked. Edward
Hi Edward, I have been living with SLE for 15 years. Can we connect re: your stem cell SLE experience? Are you still maintaining your gains 2.5 years later? ~Joseph
Dear Joseph, I am still maintaining my gains 9+ years after first transplant. However, I have had additional transplants, both my own and from donors, since then to continue maintenance. My counterpart published papers concerning my trials and tribulations with my disease and stem cell treatments. You can access those papers and others at the ResearchGate.net, and search for “Mark Speight AND stem cells”.
Has anyone ever tried liveyon?
Please read this review. https://www.regenexx.com/liveyon-review/
I had stem cell injections in my Knee 01/09/2018 done at the uptown VA hospital. I was hurting before the shots and the amount of pain I am still in is almost unbearable for me and I have a high tolerance for pain. My knees hurt for the first 3 days and were swollen as I was told would happen. on the 4th day I had no relief and my back began to hurt so bad in the location of previous injuries that i took norco and any meds I could to use for pain management. It’s almost 2 week post injections and I don’t even want to get out of bed and walk. I don’t even want to walk to the bathroom. this is miserable and depressing.
So sorry to hear that you are going though such pain. What could have caused such a reaction? I had an autologous stem cell injection in my hip two months ago and I had no pain from the injection during the procedure or afterwards.
Please see this article on stem cell treatment – you will be surprised! https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/stem-cells-and-chiropractic/
Great article. This is why it is paramount that you do your homework and sort out the charlatans from physicians with a legitimate practice in regenerative medicine.
GAnne, you are so right about doing the research in advance. Would you mind sending me an email to let me know who you visited for your stem cell treatment? veteransalescorp at gmail dot com. Thank you so much.
I started umbilical stem cell IVs in May 2017. Live, frozen stem cells harvested from donated umbilical cords. 4cc’s, mixed with saline, defrosted and administered within 20 minutes to avoid cell death. Became ill in 1999 from toxic mold exposure. Official diagnosis is fibromyalgia. Have been disabled for 17 years, getting increasingly worse. After a major reaction to plaquinol after being diagnosed with Lupus in 2010, I started spending the majority of my time on my couch. Have tried numerous non FDA approved treatments with my trusted doctor in LA for 12 years with minimal results. I immediately took the option when he agreed to administer stem cells. I’m definitely improving and regaining my energy. I have the IVs every 2 1/2 months at a cost of $3,300 per 4cc IV. I understand that the stem cells duplicate daily for 2 1/2 months and seek areas in the body which require healing. I feel some of my symptoms get worse for 2-3 weeks after infusion, then I feel better and gain energy. My husband has also been getting these IVs for various neurological complaints. I’m not sure how much longer we can afford the treatments. FDA should expedite whatever process they need to in order to allow so many suffering people much needed relief without going broke!
How much did you have to pay and did you think it was reasonable? $4500. Yes, given that before I went I had a numbing shot in my hip to make sure that was the affected area and for one shot that took 10 minutes the dr’s office billed insurance 8,000.
What condition were you hoping to improve? Bone on bone hip pain. I had arthroscopic surgery and it made my hip pain significantly worse. I’m relatively young, so I was hoping to avoid, or postpone a hip replacement.
How did you find out about the clinic and would you refer someone else to them? It’s the Mayo Clinic. I would absolutely refer anyone to them. I saw a video of them doing the procedure on youtube and I feel that they are inherently more trustworthy since they are a not-for-profit.
Anything else you’d like to share? – I had stem cells that were taken from my bone marrow. The dr. was wonderful and talked about all of my other options before we went forward. I think at about week 6 I noticed a little bit of lessening of the pain, sadly it is not significant enough. I still have a good amount of pain and walking is difficult. I’m planning to go forward with the hip replacement in 2 months if nothing changes.
Linda- I’d like to ask you more about your experience with cord stem cells. I just received a similar treatment with cord cells and would be interested in comparing notes on side effects and results.
Any why you can share locations via email ?
I had stem cells for lupus two weeks ago. Flaring so badly! I wish I’d never used chord blood msc cell injections
I’m so sorry, Angela. I have been living with Lupus for 15 years and feel for your situation. Has your condition shifted?
What are the risks of treatment?
As for rejection, there would appear to be none, as the stem cells are the patient’s. There are probably risks involved in terms of infections, poor medical attention if one hasn’t done his/her due diligence, not all diseases respond to stem cell therapy, etc. People have been treated with stem cells for COPD and pulmonary fibrosis for some time, so there is some sort of a track record. Before making this decision, I studied everything I could find at the National Institutes of Health, watched and read all testimonials available, even looking up some of the people to see if they were still alive today, several years post treatment, googled in search of cases in the past where there have been people who have had negative reactions or even died as a result, I investigated the doctor that I chose, even reading patient evaluations of him and his practice. One doctor who looked good on paper, after research, I discovered that he had been sued because of sloppy procedures and had to be overseen by one of his colleagues. I did my very best to leave no stone unturned. I had interstitial pneumonia in July, and fearing the worse as my father died of pulmonary fibrosis, I started looking for options just in case. So, between July and October’s confirmation I put in a lot of hours of research. There were several studies that appeared at the NIH showing that the use of autologous stem cells was deemed safe in humans, so then it was a matter of whether I would be one of the people who would have positive results. When I discovered the article on stem cell therapy being more effective than pirfenidone, the decision that I had been agonizing over making firmed up. This is not a “one and done.” I will follow the protocol and do the booster treatments. But, so far I think that I made the right choice.
The diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis was ultimately confirmed in October 2017. Not even remotely convinced that the diagnosis was correct as I felt asymptomatic, I got a stem cell treatment on November 8th, to get ahead of the disease, as I am considered mild, just in case I really did have it. I was quite honestly surprised on November 10th when I felt like a weight had been taken off of my chest. One week and a half later, I was able to climb the stairs slightly less winded than two weeks before. One month later I was able to climb the stairs without getting winded at all and was able to speak longer sentences without running out of breath. Now, according to my doctor, no crackles. Previous to doing the treatment, I found a study listed at the National Institutes of Health wherein the authors had discovered that stem cell therapy was more effective than pirfenidone, the drug of choice for pulmonary fibrosis. Although the actual study was not available, I may have had to purchase it, that result was good enough for me.
The liposuction and treatment were performed in an operating room that is inspected regularly, and the adipose tissue was sent to a certified lab for separation of stem cells. The liposuction took place at 10 am and by 4 pm I was injected with the stem cells. Considering how I feel now, I am confident that I did the right thing and would be seriously upset if somebody tried to rob me of this option. I walked into this knowing full well that 71% to 80% have experienced success, and that this is not a cure, but a treatment option.
Stem cell therapy has been around for a very long time, and the question that comes to mind is why so little “official” progress in all this time? Why is the goal to scare people off? Yes, get the unscrupulous snake oil salesmen out of the game. Establish regulations. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let’s not make them all look like con men, because that’s what is happening. People need to be able to locate the reputable centers. I see messages on the Inspire website from people afflicted with pulmonary fibrosis who are literally dying begging the FDA to get off its rear, too frightened to take a chance at stem cell therapy because of the fear-mongering that has extended to all practitioners, good and bad, when every precious moment counts as the disease consumes the lungs so quickly. It’s truly depressing.
I am interested if anyone has had any success with, or attempted, stem cells for chronic ankle conditions?
There is an Orthopod in the Pacific Northwest that uses endogenous stem cells for joint problems.
Thanks. I am in Australia Edward. I am interested because i am a developer and researcher of an Ankle System coming to the US Medical 2018. I will be interested to see if people are getting real results in cartilage and ligament regeneration in Ankles with current systems? We are currently developing University and other trials. There seems to be a lot to learn about at the delivery end, and potentially a trust issue without real evidence, for us at least.
I have osteo arthritis in both hips..but my left one has the pain..I have been reading about stem cell..the cost is high….does any one know if they are still having clinical trials…I would love to be a candidate..
Check http://www.clinicaltrials.gov and search for stem cells and osteoarthritis.
yes, clinical trials at Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota
Hello! I am looking into stem cell therapy for my left hip. I started having pain in July this year and it has not improved. Arthritis was diagnosed in October and I have been taking medication for pain since then, which doesn’t help. I am a “young” and otherwise healthy 66 years old so I’m hoping this will work — my daughter is about to have a baby and I want to be mobile! I live in Germany and have found this clinic, which looks good. I’ll let you know how things work out.
Maybe try PRP first, much less costly and worked for my shoulder. You have to give it time, i didn’t see an improvement for two or three months, it takes time to heal the tendons and tissues.
Dear June,
PRP is a lysate of platelets containing transforming growth factor beta and basic fibroblast growth factor. While both stimulate maintenance cells to increase in number, they also induce healing cells to form scar tissue. Scar tissue may be Okay for “healing” rotator cuff injuries (shoulder), but it is definitely not Okay for trying to regenerate cartilage in articular joints.
Dear Paul,
Just an update on my ongoing treatments. My 21st treatment, last May, was primarily for a torn meniscus (MRI was taken to confirm injury), but also systemic delivery to help with my lupus problems. Within a week the pain was gone in my knee. At my six month follow-up the orthopedic surgeon noted on the follow-up MRI that while there was no overt healing of the meniscus that the radiologist or orthopedic surgeon could detect, there was no expected continued deterioration of the joint contents. The radiologist couldn’t believe the results. The orthopedic surgeon was skeptical at first that the stem cell treatment would help, but now he is beginning to believe. Henry told me that cartilage takes two years to regenerate if no additional insult occurs. The orthopedic surgeon knows that as well, so he is hoping to see some sort of changes at the 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 year follow-ups.
I am getting my 22nd transplant today. It is for neurological and musculoskeletal lupus problems. Wish me luck. Hopefully, I will be good for another 4-6 months, before I need another transplant.
Take care,
This a follow-up. Many people note increased pain systemically and in joints. Prior to my first transplant I was on Doctor prescribed 64 mg morphine every four hours for musculoskeletal pain. After first transplant and every transplant thereafter the pain goes away but would come back in 2-4 months. My counterpart suggested tumeric (95% curcumin) plus bioperine (black pepper extract to enhance curcumin absorption). I currently take 900 mg tumeric + 10 mg bioperine twice daily for pain and inflammation management. That alone has allowed me to extend time periods between stem cell treatments based solely on pain management. Tumeric does not seem to have side effects that aspirin, acetaminophen, their derivatives, or corticosteroids have. Just a friendly suggestion.
I have a torn meniscus [spelling ?] on the left knee. I spent 5,000 dollars on a stem cell injection on the knee, after both prolotherapy and PRP [platelet Rich Plasma] didn’t work. [total spent, 6,500 $$].The doctor sold this therapy as the premier cure, and gave it a HIGH success rate. However they make you a sign a form before the procedure agreeing that you were informed that it may not work at all. [Why do this when they’re promising a high success rate ?] The stem cell injection didn’t work at all,,,a total zero. I would have been happy with even a 30 % improvement–but it was a total fail, a zero. I’m convinced that all stem cell patients are first time patients, who get promised help, then experience the failed treatment, and don’t go back—unable to do anything–because of the legal disclaimer they HAVE to sign before the procedure. I feel bad for people who have bone on bone joints, and are looking to stem cell “treatment” to avoid a joint replacement. The Dr. Oz show covered this topic today. [Show season # 9, episode # 38]. I don’t want to tell anyone to not try it, because maybe it will work for them. But with a ZERO percent help from my own experience, I say do your homework,, eat healthy so your joints stay healthy. Best wishes to everyone.
Editor’s note: the doctor/clinic names mentioned in this comment originally were removed.
Dear Richard,
I have had 23 stem cell transplants to date, so I am definitely not a first-timer. There are a lot of things that can impact whether a treatment is successful or not. These “things” include lifestyle, nutrition, sleeping habits, drugs and/or supplements, type of cells received, whether they were alive or dead, pre-transplant activities, post-treatment activities, recent injuries, long standing problems, hereditary defects, etc., etc., etc. I am inclined to be treated at a facility that assesses the whole individual rather than one that just treats the immediate problem.
23? Damn, I wish I was that rich. I want to try for my psoriatic arthritis but it’s soooo o expensive. What problem u have to be taking that many?
Dear Carlos,
Actually, I am up to 29 transplants as of 9/2020. I am a participant in a clinical trial, so the costs from my side are lower than if I was purchasing the treatments from a commercial source. I was diagnosed in April of 2011 as two-week terminal stage-IV systemic lupus erythematosus. Without the stem cell transplants I would be dead. My SLE is trying to kill me on a daily basis, which is the reason for the multiple treatments and that I am still diagnosed as stage-IV SLE. Before the treatments started I had already lost two organ systems and the functioning of my other organs was in the 20-30% range. With multiple treatments, using my own stem cells and stem cells from others, most of my remaining organs have regained function, currently about 70%. The stem cells I have received are treatments to repair tissue damage, they are not a cure. But sometimes, no matter how hard one wishes it to be different, another organ system is lost due to SLE-induced fibrosis. I now have lost a third organ system. On the bright side, sometimes there are medications that can be taken to substitute for what was lost. I my case, that has happened.
@ Edward,
29 is a lot of transplants. Have these almost all been the same kind of cells? What kind(s) of cells have you gotten? Are you comfortable sharing which clinical trial(s) you are and have been part of?
Left knee is bone on bone. Been told I need total replacement. I am trying to research an alternative. I have been reading a lot and still don’t know what to do.
My knee cartilage has basically been bone on bone since i was eighteen years old (terrible car accident.) I still do everything I want to do including aerobics classes and even running. I can tell you exactly what the secret is ht: neuromuscular therapy. I studied for years and I’m licensed in Tennessee, but people can do a lot of self-treatment if they are willing to take the time. A LOT of “joint problems” are actually muscular problems… yes, even the ones where people really do have slipped discs and missing cartilage. I broke almost every bone in my body and was inin a wheelchair for a year with 11 operations. If it works for me, it can work for anyone, at least to some extent. Go to Amazon and order “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook” by Amber and Clair Davies. Learn it, use it, and really spend time with it. i guarantee that will see an improvement, maybe a very big one, and all for the investment of about twenty dollars and some time. (And yes, this is Cathy Danielson on another account. 🙂
4.5 months after SVF autologous stem cell treatment (290 million of my own mesenchymal stem cells according to provider). Otherwise healthy 50 year old male with lumbar puncture that left me with central, horrific, progressive pain condition (arachnoiditis). After 2 years of hell, I took the leap and cannot believe what has happened so far. I’m basically back to normal, though not yet playing ultimate frisbee. I have pain esp. a few days after I play sports with my son, or run a mile. These things were impossible 5 months ago due to the resulting “flare.”
It’s a crime that this costs so much and insurers won’t cover it. It’s your own, UNTREATED CELLS!!!, taken by liposuction, spun, then returned by IV. It takes 3 hours total. So many are suffering so much worse than me and relief is simply out of reach for them, while they progress into lower levels of Helll each year. 100,000s (mostly undiagnosed since it’s usually medically caused and we know how hard that is to get acknowledged) of US citizens who are denied the safest, most effective (statistically as far as we can tell from the first hundred or so – nothing works for everyone) treatment for the SPINAL CORD INFLAMMATORY condition from HELL.
Unfortunately the Regenerative Medicine space is in a current state of dysfunction. The vast majority of physicians don’t really understand the science behind the various treatment options. Additionally, many physicians and most all patients are unknowing being mislead by unscrupulous manufactures promoting snake oil and/or gimmicks. True “stem cell” therapy requires aspiration of the patients own cells. Obviously age is a contributing factor when considering the potion as viable cell counts decreases as we age and most certainly cost is an obstacle that can’t be overlooked. At this time autologous stem cell therapy is not covered by insurance.
That said, please know “stem cell” is not the proven holy grail by any means. It’s the current buzz word and attention getter, but is also the wild -west in terms of its usage. Amniotic therapy, which has been used safely for over 100 years, produces outstanding clinical efficacy, is perfect for us patients over 50 (with low stem cell counts) and IS covered by most insurance carriers including Medicare. I know of a company and they are extremely helpful and knowledgeable. While amniotic is NOT stem cell therapy, science indicates you do not need to have “stem cell” therapy/ MSCs to be efficacious. In fact, I’m aware of some studies underway to demonstrate this exact point. Education and understanding the science is our key!!
Let me know if I can be of assistance.
I’m interested in knowing more about the Amniotic therapy you are speaking of that is covered by Medicare and also where to find the study you mentioned. I believe as you state that education and understanding the science is our key to making wise decisions concerning our own health care.
Dear Rick, I too am very interested in the procedure that is covered by Medicare. Please let me know more
Please let me know about the facility that you went to to get amniotic therapy.Do they do stem cell therapy? Thank you
Updating my original comments 2.5 years later…my firey torso pain – all around mid back after a lumbar puncture – was 95% reduced within just 11 days after my adipose stem cell therapy back in June 2017. Things were going so well in spring of 2018 I resumed my active athletic life, including full court basketball. Not smart. The problem with this condition is you don’t feel pain right away… there is a bit of strange discomfort, like something changed, but no pain. it takes 1-2 days to flare. So I pounded up and down the court for several hard games, and then regretted it a couple of days later. Interestingly, the pain was NOT in the torso, it was new pain in my feet, like lightning bolts. I kept waiting for the flare to go away, but it didn’t. i did everything I could to manage pain and keep low activity level, but no dice. 6 weeks later I decided to go for Round 2 of stem cells, 11 months after round 1. This time, so save money and not have another invasive liposuction on my 140 lb. frame, I did bone marrow. “Only” cost $6K, 1/3 of the first procedure at a clinic in the southern US. It was super -simple, local only grab 60ml total of marrow from my ischal spines, drop 1 DIRECTLY into IV bag, the other gets spun and counted and then into IV bag. I walked out 2 hours after I walked in, no pain at all (just 30 seconds for each of the 2 needle sticks). 10 days later, I was back off of gabapentin.
Next week is my 2 year anniversary of my 2nd stem cell procedure, and my 20th wedding anniversary! I’m still off pain meds, I’ve moved my family across the country once, play lots of soccer, chase the kids around, etc. I still struggle with pain at times due to my high activity levels and the chronic nature of arachnoiditis.. once you have that “owie” in the CNS you can manage it but not cure it if you are – like me- prone to arach. But the stem cells are an ABSOLUTE GAME CHANGER for me.
I appreciate the work that Mr. Knoepler is doing to protect against scams, but PLEASE be clear:
1) Medical injuries by approved procedures are officially the 3rd leading cause of death in USA.
2) MOST medical injuries to CNS, I believe, are NOT recorded correctly as it is difficult to PROVE arachnoiditis and the physical injury can be miniscule but the inflammatory and scar-related pain can be monumental and life-altering. Why on earth is there a diagnosis of “Failed back surgery syndrome” – that’s basically saying that we don’t know the cause exactly.
Anyway, I’ll leave it to the nay-sayers to say how rare I am (or mistaken, whatever). My job is to share what I have learned beyond a doubt, and what has personally been acknowledged to me by the doctors who treat me. They agree with my diagnosis but if you look at my medical records, it says “back pain.”
3) when I received stem cells, my body was basically exposed to the level of healing that would be released in a major car wreck. Somehow, the many factors released by the stem cells “quiet down” the inflammation and PERHAPS even help somewhat with scar tissue reduction, though that effect is much less IMO. It’s the immune system/inflammation/pain reboot that occurs that somehow is helping. Nobody knows for sure how.
stem cells probably won’t cure any chronic condition, but they sure are the BEST way to manage many conditions, from what I have seen on FB, meeting and interacting with real people over time. Not just reading random posts. There is a fun new word – troubling to be sure – but ultimmately we have lots of “anecdata” – that is anecdotal reports that, in sum, create a picture of efficacy, and it’s not perfect, but for a central pain condition it looks extremely promising from what I am seeing. The success stories outweigh cautionary tales greatly. Now, who is more likely to self-select and report something? Anyway, if you’re desperate, as I was and may well be again one day, and you have the resources (as I hopefully will, who knows anymore??), then stem cells are something you should consider IMO.
Note that no matter what the procedure, you can have a doctor who is having a bad day. There is risk with any needle, esp if it goes near your spinal area. Infection of course, too. I know we lack the kinds of controlled studies that we need to get FDA approval. Unfortunately, there just isn’t the same profit motive for a large, $100,000,000 study in regenerative medicine… yet. We are seeing that change with exosomes, etc. But ultimately the hardest thing to find a sponsor for – one’s own stem cells – may be the most effective for a certain set of conditions.
Now, let’s be clear – you don’t do this for “anti-aging” unless you are in my opinion an idiot. You do something like this when you basically have exhausted viable options and you hear from a large number of other folks saying “it worked for me” and you decide that win or lose, you need to give this a shot. Kiss the money goodbye, accept it may not yield anything. And talk to 4 or more providers. Use trustpilot.com or other ways of vetting them. Facebook and google reviews can be censored. Ask to speak to former patients. There is no one way to vet a clinic, but the more different kinds of info you can use, the better your chance of feeling good about your decision, no matter the outcome. Of course ANY medical procedure has a failure rate, and I wouldn’t be posting here if I knew an equal number of pleased and displeased people for my condition. The vast majority of those I have information of are very pleased. And I know of stem cell doctors who have treated HUNDREDS of patients with my condition and they put me in a private, patients-only FB group LED BY A PATIENT / FRIEND of long standing in the arach community, the day after procedure. That means if they weren’t confident most would be happy, they would be creating a nightmare for themselves.
Now, whenever I talk to someone who is disappointed, my heart breaks. I would never want my words to cause someone to waste their money, or my lack of sharing to mean someone doesn’t get to experience the absolute miracle I have lived. It’s no rose garden, but a far cry better than where I was. Poorer, perhaps (though I’ve saved a lot of money on prescription drugs!), but so much less pain day in day out.
I realize this is controversial and I welcome comments one way or the other. I do this for exactly one reason: peace of mind. We need to share our best understanding with each other, as accurately as possible, and all will benefit.
Autologous IV stem cells worked for , both adipose and bone marrow. If things go south for me, I promise to return here, esp. if I’m reminded by a notification like I was today.
4 days ago had stem cell for a torn meniscus/almost bone on bone knee oesteoarthritis. Tore meniscus 12 weeks ago and had PRP injection, which healed it about 70%. Did stem cell (used my own) to heal it more and to help stimulate growth of new cartiliage. Thus far all is good – just some immediate post procedure soreness in knee and removal sites. But otherwise have good movement. Have to be totally non-weight bearing on that leg for a week so have to use crutches. Started PT today, and will be going 2x week for 4 weeks, then 1xweek for 4 weeks. The procedure was performed by a sports medicine physician who has been a sports physician for over 30 years and has treated olympic athletes, does lectures , and has written/co-written numerous published papers/studies. She doesn’t advertise, nor run ‘specials’.
that sounds great! I am in a similar situation pre-surgery and trying to decide….the clinic is offering a discount so I’ll take you cue and look elsewhere. Are you in NorthernCa by any chance? I’m thinking I can get away with one or the other but not both. Did you respond very well with just PRP?
Hello which doctor did you see? Thank you!
I had two stem cell injections in my right shoulder I have osteoarthritis. It’s been over a year since last injection. Still no strength, mobility in the arm. NO GRINDING. I believe it the shot has regrowmn cartilage in that arm but, I still have long lasting pain.
My PMD doctor stated I would be able to lift weights after one injection.
I do have some relief from the shot and I’m greatful for this.
Yes I had stem cell therapy and it was a failure. I want my money (7K)back. I feel scammed. Now I am broke on top of it. My opinion is don’t do it.
Were you able to get your money back?
Both clinics I went to (sucessfully, as it turned out) had me a sign a complete and total waiver of any responsibility on their part, that I EXPLICITLY DO NOT EXPECT ANY BENEFIT from the procedure. I knew that I was making my decision based on my own belief based on my own research.
One of those actually had me write out longhand a lengthy page-long “essay” disavowing any hope of improvement from the procedure. I was actually laughing (and completely freaking out) at the idea that I’m dropping over $15000 on something I “expect no benefit from”!!!
So, I’m sure they protected themselves, though I wish you god luck in getting your money back if they promised you results and did not deliver.
Brad, would you still have any of the clinic waiver forms or the “essay” you wrote? I’d be curious to take a look.
I had amniotic stem cell shots 6 months ago in both knees in orlando fla for $4500 dollars . My knees feel worse than before and I’am not very optimistic that it is going to work . My quality of life is at an all time low
So sorry for you Ronald. I literally feel your pain – physically and emotionally – and I’m only 56.
Thanks Chris hope you get better also
Read Dr. Centeno’s blogs, founder of regennex (I believe that is how you spell it) what he says about amniotic, umbilical and all cord products.
I had stem cell therapy in my right knee 6 months ago. At 58 Had severe arthritis and shredded meniscus. I could not even walk normally. An orthopedic surgeon said I needed a new knee and to use crutches or a cane. I went to a nationwide clinic that has been doing the procedure for 15 years. The cost was $7000. First they had me use an unloader brace to make walking less painful…..and boy was it ever much better. We did prolo injection first, followed by my own blood prp injection, then 2 weeks later we took stem cells from both my hips and reinjected hours later after they were concentrated. the final prolo injection was about 4 weeks later. All my procedures were done under fluroscopy with trained physicians. My last checkup was 6 months later I have had no further pain. I did wear the unloader brace for those months and did do PT.. Going back for my right knee next month. As an RN for 30 years no way did I want a knee replacement. Do your research.
What kind of unloader brace did you use and was it covered by insurance?
Cheryl – can I have your email to ask you questions????
I have had PRP on my ankle Andre Fenton just did PRP on both knees Tuesdaymy email is toxiccp@aol.com
It did not work for me
Cheryl, where it you go, and what was the name of the brace did got, please send
to grayfox3333@yahoo.com
Hi, I had PRP and Stem Cell treatment on both knees. First treatment was PRP injections in both knees, on June 27, 2017. Two weeks later I went back and had stem cell injections on July11, 2017 and then PRP again on July 25 and Aug. 8. The day of each injection I took it easy and tried to stay off of them as best I could. Next day I went back to a regular day. My pain is so much improved, was told that it takes time for the stem cells to work. I am so glad I had the procedure done, it was costly but well worth it. Did not want any surgery. I sometimes had some pain in my right knee as it was the worst, but all in all it has been great. I was if I sat for a long time, such as a ride in the car for a couple of hours, my knees hurt so bad I could not do anything for a day or two. Now very little pain at all ever. Hope this helps someone in their decision had it done in a wellness clinic.
I am 77 yrs. old, and experiencing OA in both shoulders from over-use in previous years! My right shoulder is bone on bone now, not very useful, and my left shoulder is also going down the same road. At my age, I’m really fearful to take on a lot of things. Last thing I need at my age, is to be made worse than I already am. Surgery is recommended, and I am willing to try almost anything to avoid surgery! That said, I am not getting a positive feeling about the stem cell therapy either, and don’t have a clue where to find a reputable solution. I was contacted by StemGenex, and after researching them, decided they weren’t an answer. They are extremely eager with their follow-ups, by the way. So, I would appreciate any input, especially about shoulder treatments, successes, failures, etc. Thanks.
Hi Valerie,
Thanks for sharing your story.
As to your questions I’ve been a stem cell researcher for a long time and I’m an advocate for the stem cell field including research on stem cells of all kinds. Although I’m not an MD and I don’t do clinical research at this time (I am hoping longer term to have clinical impact from my work), I have been following the clinical side of the stem cell field for ages including stem cell clinics.
Stem cells have real promise, but at this point the FDA hasn’t approved them and there aren’t conclusive results (data from large, randomized and properly controlled studies) as to it being safe and effective (the exception being bone marrow transplants for blood cancers/disorders).
Small studies have given hints of a generally good safety profile and maybe some positive effects for some ortho conditions, but it is early days and there are always risks. So any such treatment would be highly experimental and in my opinion should not be charged for.
Talk more with your doctors about your concerns about surgery, about other options, their view of stem cells, risks either way, etc.
Hope this helps and that you feel better.
Paul, with respect, I think it’s odd to say a doctor shouldn’t charge for a procedure that hasn’t been proven. You are basically saying that such procedures should not be done at all. Who on earth can afford to treat patients for free with unproven therapies?? What kind of business model is there? Sure, a few foundations might help, but there is a VAST array of stem cell clinics that are helping millions (and harming some, to be sure, just like mainstream FDA-approved procedures).
As tragic as it is when patients are injured or spend money unfulfilled (or scammed!) – and mind you I’m an injured patient myself, so I know what I’m saying – it’s equally tragic when patients aren’t able to access medical care when they do have the resources. In my case, my injury in mainstream medicine was greatly helped by stem cells. Belatedly, after I ignored my doctors claims I’d be sorry if i did it. Even if I got cancer tomorrow or some other adverse outcome, the last 3 years have been worth any future disasters (at age 53).
The approach of limiting marketing of procedures seems to me to be the way to go. I appreciate all you do to protect patients, without which I’m certain there would be a much greater rate of injury and scamming. But to suggest a doctor who charges for an unproven procedure – as long as they are not making any promises and are strongly disavowing any such promises – seems to put the greater good in the back seat. At least, until such day as we have gov’t willing to step in and fund such procedures.
I hear you. Just to be clear what I have been challenging clinics to do is to charge “at cost” (no profit). I’m not saying to charge nothing. Many of these clinic docs have large amounts of other income so charging at cost just for the stem cell slice of their overall practice wouldn’t be asking them to stop making any money. Other stem cell clinic docs do stem cells full time so for them to charge at cost is just never going to happen.
Makes sense… still even where i paid $17,000, I could see that with new technologies, cost is a huge factor. I’m not convinced that they were making a mint, but I wouldn’t know. I’m just grateful I had the money available (from retirement funds 🙁 ). I’m keenly aware of the many folks who don’t have it and it’s disturbing to know so many are blocked from getting help by finances, and insurance hasn’t caught up… yes, I know it’s because of the dearth of controlled, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. I shudder to think where I’d be if I’d had to wait for those.
Valerie Hoff
Don’t do shoulder surgery. I had two stem cell injections in in my right Arm (osteoarthritis) bone on bone. After the injections I started noticing that there wasn’t anymore grinding. I still have pain but it’s not as bad.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Melissa. I really appreciate your input and am so grateful for this forum. I still haven’t decided which way I will go with this. We have an Orthopedic Surgeon here that is offering PRP injections, and I’m still considering this treatment, but haven’t come to a decision and haven’t contacted him for specifics yet. I’m one that stays out of the medical mainstream as much as possible, so am not in a hurry to do just anything at this point. I understand knees and hips are easier to repair surgically than shoulders, so that doesn’t offer a lot of confidence as far as I’m concerned. I will post here whatever I decide to do in the future. In the meantime, I think I will just live with it as long as I can. Thanks again!
hi Valerie, I am in the similar situation here. Can’t decide whether to do the PRP…adipose v blood or stem cell therapy (injection + IV) The clinic I visited is pushing the cell therapy and say cord blood is the best. Well, in researching some European sites I’ve read the cord stem cells are only used for blood disorders…..So now I’m back to square 1. Or maybe the clinic I visited is just not reputable……I’m leaning towards the PRP but also reasearching the adipose tissue injection too…..they seem the safest since its my own blood. Would appreciate knowing, once you decide.thanks!
Dear Paul,
I am concerned that a majority of these “stem cell” clinic personnel were trained in 3 or 5 day courses in “everything you ever wanted to know about stem cells”, including treatment paradigms. I have been in (pre-clinical and clinical) adult stem cell research for over 40 years. I am just beginning to learn the do’s and don’ts to the stem cell treatment paradigms, both short term and long term. It boggles my mind that at the arrogance of the trainers thinking that they can teach everything about stem cells in 3 or 5 days and the hubris of their students believing they will become experts in the field of stem cell treatment paradigms in that short amount of time.
I had stem cell therapy in my right hip in the Tampa area. It’s been 4 weeks. I also had PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) shot into my right thumb joint. I can not even begin to tell you the pain of the shot into my thumb joint. The nurse practitioner stabbed it into my sore joint and I flew off the table. She pressed down as hard as she could and it was hitting a bone. That pain was worse than labor pain. She finally got the ultrasound out and got it in there. I thought my hand was dead afterwards. I am seeing a hand surgeon tomorrow. That did not help one bit.
The stem cell therapy produces (what looked like) 1 large stem cell that looks about 2-3 cm in diameter. She showed it to me. That went directly into my right hip joint. I was a gymnast and have little cartridge left. The first week or 2, I kept telling everyone it was working, I seemed to be able to move around much better. But I feel that may have been just the fluid cushioning it or something because now, I can barely walk again. It’s impossible to get pain meds, I ran out yesterday. I had to take 2-3 Norco a day to tolerate the pain. I paid $7300 (got a $500 discount for paying cash). They wanted $3900 more to bank the cells, Thank God I didn’t do that option. I’m going to just give this up until they have better research or proof it really works … and how exactly it works with no surprises lol..I am sorry the I feel in the medical community, this sort of “hope” given to people for all that money, to not really know if it will work or not, is unethical. I’m an accountant, we have accountability and guidelines we have to live by. I just think people are looking for hope so bad, they gladly open their pocketbooks and pray. Well, that’s not good for the ones who can’t really afford it and it’s just like rolling the dice (and those clinics have to know this). Now, I have to move on to the hip replacement which, now, I wish I would have just done in the beginning. I could probably go for a run on the beach tonight. I actually hear good things about it. But being a 50 year old, single female, a hip replacement was the last thing I wanted in this stage of my life. But, it’s better than limping around in pain all the time. I’m sorry to say, for me, the truth hurts.
Hello Jennifer and thank you for sharing. Just diagnosed with severe OA right hip, moderate in left. Everyone knows what OA pain can be like at times so I’ll skip that part. 56 yo and feeling like it’s too early for this DX. Have been active hiker and backpacker for many years. Ran track, in HS and after, and lifted weights better part of life. Considering stem cell, but MD talking total hip replacement. Very difficult decisions so I appreciate your candidness. Hope you provide an update on whatever path you take.
Hi Steve T and all, I have a change of heart!!! (or should I say Hip!).. IT DOES WORK!!! I have been trying to figure out how to retract my statement. I swear, it’s crazy! But as soon as I wrote that, the next day or so, I started noticing a huge difference. Next Tuesday, August 8th will be 6 weeks and as of today, I say I am 85% better. I won’t go jogging just yet but thinking about starting a yoga routine maybe couple times a week next week. If you know a way I can delete that post and do it over, please tell me.. I want to get the word out of what I have experienced. It does take time and it is frustrating when you still get some pain but so far, I am walking normal (and I haven’t done that in months) but I do notice some slight pain here and there.. don’t get me wrong.. but compared to what I was going through prior, it is a huge improvement. I think those little suckers finally flourished! 🙂
Jennifer, wow – that’s great news! I think writing the update as you did is perfect. You didn’t have any notice of change until after 4 weeks. That still seems remarkable and I hope you continue to update us here. I think that will go a long way in helping people make their decisions. Would be interested in learning some of the details of where you went, etc. and continued updates. Maybe connect on facebook?: https://www.facebook.com/sthompsonsafety. Wishing you continued success and prosperity in health!
Hi Steve T,
Thank you so much for the response. I was so worried I would discourage someone after what I wrote. But I was feeling that way after I was hurting so much. And spending $7k wasn’t easy to count on one injection of something from your own body lol.. But thank you for letting me rebuttal I guess you would say. I plan on posting a new post about my experience on fb on Tuesday as it will be exactly 6 weeks since the procedure. I’ve had a few people following me on my status. I’ve been trying not to say much until after I know for sure but I do know now.. it does work. I am feeling better every day. I still take an anti-inflammatory (Celebrex) but hoping I can drop that in a month. I’m anxious to start yoga so I’m looking into that this upcoming week. I gained 14 lbs when the pain started. I would come home from work, hurry and get my chores done before the pain would put me down.. so I wasn’t active at all for about 3 months. It’s amazing when you can walk again without pain. see you on fb!!! I sent a friend request 🙂 Jennifer
Congrats again Jennifer. Accepted friend request and look forward to your update. My girlfriend taught me a few yoga moves last week… Felt it for sure, but it would be great to do without OA pain. Will check in periodically here, and on your updates. See you on fb… Steve
Hi..was just wondering if you went ahead with the stem cell..if so..was wondering how you were doing..I’m bone on bone in my left hip..
Just wondering how you are doing now. I am at the 4 week period after stem cell and prp and not feeling any better. One of my legs seems shorter than the other I think because the cartilage is gone and the bone is shoved in the socket. Would you be willing to let me know how it has gone your you. I am at the point of getting a hip replacement because of the pain.
Jennifer and Steve, how are you guys doing now with your hips? I’ve been told I need a hip replacement (I’m 43) and would really prefer to avoid it or at least put it off for as long as possible. I’d love updates!
I am from the Philippines, and i would like to ask if the stem cell available in a drug form has the same benefit with those stem cell injected into the blood stream. will this cure psoriasis. thanks
Hi there. I am getting stem cell treatment for my arthritic hips and torn labrums in August. I have opted for the placenta cells with PRP together. Some people believe that the fat cells are better and safer and that placenta cells because they are not your own could maybe go awry and create a tumour or who knows what. Has anyone had a strange experience or researched which type of stem cells are the best? Bone marrow vers adipose fat vers placenta donor.
NSI talk about taking the stem cells from fatty tissue they “liposuction” out of you, safer than bone marrow
I’ve been working for a good sized chain of stem cell clinics in the northwest and can affirm that stem cell therapy can help tremendously! But we have to keep in mind there are many factors that play into the success or failure of the treatments. We do Amniotic and Lipo derived stem cell injections primarily for orthopedic conditions. The doctor administrating the treatment ultimately has to make the determination if you have a viable joint, meaning… that it’s not too far gone! If you are “bone on bone” as told by your doctor, don’t take that as God’s word. I’ve heard that a thousand times when entirely untrue! Hopefully your doctor is honest, trustworthy, and can truly make the determination if you will be a successful case. I know there are doctors taking and accepting anything that walks in the door and therefore people having bad experiences are just going to keep happening. Also keep in mind here research has proven that if you have a good experience with a service, on average you’ll tell 4 people. If you have a bad experience with a service, on average you’ll tell 11 people. Just a thought. Dr B
I would dearly love to hear about stem cell treatment for COPD. I will not go to a ‘clinic’; I’d prefer to participate in a study. Has anyone participated in one for lung diseases? I have a lot of hope that stem cells (regulated and FDA approved) will play a huge role in curing COPD/asthma.
would you mind telling us how many stem cells you received.
Since I commented in April of 2016 I’ve had another adult stem cell treatment for MS in Dec. 2016. Treated with umbilical cord cells in Panama, I’ve had tremendous results. Improvement with fatigue, bladder, brain fog, etc., just to name a few. I also experienced some unexpected benefits. As a 52 yr. old, I had improvement in hair, nails and skin just like when I took prenatal vitamins almost 30 years ago. Hey, I’ll take it! Also since I commented on this post almost a year ago, I’m happy to report that Texas has passed an adult stem cell bill! I testified in front of the House and Senate and was able to share my stem cell success stories, along with other advocates, in EVERY office at the Texas State Capital. As patients the Texas legislature embraced our patient stories and voted unanimously that adult stem cells are legal to use in the state of Texas as of Sept. 1st. Thanks for the opportunity to share my story.
Hi Jennifer- I am happy to hear you have had such good results! I am looking at possibly going to Panama as well. Any chance I could email your personal email to ask more questions?
Hello Jennifer,
My nephew, 23 yo, has MS for 2 years now. I would appreciate it if you could send me more information about your experience with stem cells therapy.
Yes, I had a life altering stem cell treatment for Multiple Sclerosis. My balance and brain fog was becoming severe. I am off of all my MS drugs. Thank God. They were horrible. After one treatment using umbilical cord stem cells, I am no longer wall walking. My mental capacity has rebounded and I feel like a fog has been lifted. If need be, I’ll get stem cells again in a heart beat. Why do you so publicly discredit even the reputable clinics and doctors? Reading your blog it seems you place everybody into the category of placebo or snake oil. Being so adamantly opposed to any stem cell treatment that hasn’t gone through conditional trials makes me wonder about the sincerity of your request for patients to comment who’ve had treatment, but I did anyway. I feel an ulterior motive may be at play here.
Admin has a grant at UC Davis and uses information on this site for his research. Also just published a book he was advertising on this site.
My husband has OA and was in a good deal of pain. Three months ago he had umbilical cord stem cell infusion and injections in his knees. We paid $5000 for 20 million cells. 2.5 million in each knee and the rest in IV. A few days out his pain was less and he is off Celebrex. His hands still hurt some but the rest of his body is pain free. He has not noticed much difference in his knees. His skin has also improved. He is 76 years old. I had the 20 million IV as I have some heart damage from several heart attacks, mild OA and just general aging issues. The first week I felt great. Starting the second week and since I have had a lot of pain in my abdomen and right side. I thought it might be a healing process as I also have colon issues and was told the stem cells will know where they need to go for healing. I am almost at 4 weeks in now. The doctor does not know what is going on so may have scans later in the week. The doctor said there are no controls studies of how this effects people so it is a wait and see. My husband said it was worth it to get the relief from pain. The jury is still out for me
Dear Paul,
I recently had my latest a stem cell transplant at the beginning of May. The treatments are currently being given by an integrative medicine doctor on the east coast under IRB approval/oversight. He has been approved to treat chronic neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and systemic diseases. He charges $5K for each treatment, which I believe is reasonable. He is applying for grant money to make the treatments pro bono, but has not received word yet on funding. The results from each transplant have been positive. I have a chronic degenerative terminal disease, SLE (systemic lupus), that affects all the organs of my body. With every successive lupus crisis my body organs decrease in their ability to function. The stem cell transplants have increased various organ functions (which ever ones need it the most), giving me an overall better quality of life. If it weren’t for the stem cell transplants I would be dead. My counterpart found the clinic for me, he is collaborating with the physician, and they are publishing their results. And yes, I would refer others there as well. I could share the physician’s website, but I doubt that you would publish it. But if anyone would like to know, please email me at young.hey1@yahoo.com and I will email you his website.
I’ve re-opened comments on this post. It was automatically closed after 1 year, but it feels like more discussion is likely to be beneficial here so I reopened it manually. Thanks.
Hi, just want to share my positive experience with stem cell therapy. I tore my right hip labrum due to a severe longboard (skateboard) fall, and decided to go for stem cell therapy in Korea before even thinking about arthroscopic surgery. It was adipose stem cell (through liposuction) followed by PRP straight after the stem cell injection, and 3 more PRPs about 3 days apart – so around 2 weeks in total for the whole procedure. The price was around 3500USD in total, and it was a bargain given the such a positive results. I am not completely pain free, but 80% recovered and it has stayed that way for at least a year and a half.
How much did the entire trip cost, i.e., plane fare round trip to Korea, rooming, meals, etc., along with the treatment?
Has anyone had stem cell treatment for neuropathy of which I have in both lower legs and feet.
I have read in these blogs about people not wanting knee or hip replacements. I have had both knee and hip replaced and other than a little stiff upon getting up from sitting, I get around OK. After all I am only 80 years young. I did go to 2 good Doctors in San Diego Ca One in Fallbrook and the other in Escondido..
I had amniotic/placental stem cell injection into my right knee in December. It is severely arthritic and I had been told the only treatment would be knee replacement. On day TWO, my pain reduction was about 80%. It has gone from severe stabbing feeling to minor “pinch” once in a while. I also have torn ACL in that knee, and know that will never heal. But I am thrilled with the outcome. I paid $4000 at a chiropractic clinic for that joint.
In January, I partially tore the quad tendon in my left knee (which also has arthritis). I was told this is a 6 month recovery period. So I had that tendon injected with stem cells (at my orthopedist, cost $1050, didn’t know he did this procedure before I had the first knee injection). Less than 3 months later, I am at the stage where I can walk 1.5 to 2 miles per day pretty comfortably.
So glad to hear about your success! May I ask your age? I was turned down for a knee replacement because I was too young! I’m 55! I had bone marrow stem cell for a hole in my cartilege on my right knee. It is month 4 for me (I was told 6 months before I knew if it worked.) I’ve had a huge improvement but am not totally pain free. I used to walk with crutches and am now walking on my own. Did my first mile this week! What kind of stem cells were used on your left knee?
I have had treatment for osteoarthritis in both hips with adipose derived stem cells in April and September of 2016, one procedure hurt like hell, the other in the more compromised hip less painful. There are different stem cell mixtures and viscosity which is why I had so much trouble with my first procedure. Both have proved very effective in reducing my hip pain from osteoarthritis, there are many documents on pubmed.gov if you research your condition and the viability of the procedure working for you. I would also research the popular clinic blogs for information and subscribe to those you feel address your condition. I was talked into prolotherapy for a herniated disc at L4 which was a complete disaster with no therapeutic effect at all, it set back my recovery by 3 months. It took 3 MRI’s from my PCP to verify the inflammation was causing me more pain. I spent 2 days on ice packs to return to my pre procedure mobility.
I am currently researching stem cell therapy for stenosis of the spine at L4. It seems one of the most challenging things to obtain is justification for the procedure the clinic presents. The answer because that’s the best treatment shouldn’t cut it for anyone, you want to know why it’s the best treatment for you, if they can’t explain that walk away.
Carol, where is your orthopedist? Thanks!
Used the radiologist for my hips and made sure ultrasound guidance was used on my hips for insertion but needed at anesthesiologist for my back. Trying to find two complimentary decisions is the hardest thing to find so that you can go forward with therapy. I have since had my back issues addressed successfully but needed radio ablation on my back for resolution in complement with stem cell therapy.
I am looking for any information regarding treatment of Parkinsons. We live in Australia and the total cost for us is around the $20K USD. Anyone who has any information I would great appreciate your advice.
SWP bury your head in the sand and stay a don’t believer but for me it has certainly helped. I think if you look at many of the medications and treatments today many were totted as not true. Take ulcers (bacterium Helicobacter pylori) which many said was not an infection but have now been proved wrong.
Dear SWP,
I would beg to differ. I have had multiple self and donor adult stem cell transplants for Stage-IV SLE. I was originally diagosed as Stage-II SLE. I tried all AMA-approved treatments prior to my stem cell transplants. The treatments either did not work or acceletated my conditon, making my SLE worse. The individual that has done my stem cell isolations published an IRB-approved clinical trial for Parkinson’s disease using the person’s own stem cells. Two months after a single transplant of their own stem cells all participants in the trial were either stable or getting better. At their 7 month and 14 month follow-ups 25% reverted and continued to decline slowly, 50% remained stable, and 25% continued to get better.
While I am sure more work needs to be done, their PD trial results were promising enough for me to continue with my adult stem cell transplants. And I am still alive. Without the transplants I would be dead.
I just did 2cc’s of stem cells – chord blood from predictive biotech
My lupus is flaring terrible. It was 5 days ago
Does it get worse before better?
I have a special needs kid
There are NO proven treatments utilizing stem cells for ANY condition. NONE. You are all being scammed by unscrupulous providers.
You might want to frame your comments better next time. Thousands of bone marrow stem cell transplants are used to treat cancer and other diseases successfully every day.
SWP: I am sorry you have had no success. My knee begs to differ with your statement
Oh Carol.. i’d love to hear how your knees healed.. I’m bone on bone and am looking into stem cells as a possible alternative to full knee replacements surgery’s. thank you!
Carol, I too would love to hear more about your experience. I am looking at having to have torn meniscus ‘cleaned up’ which could just exacerbate bone on bone knee joint. Too young for knee replacement.
Good day to all. Has anyone had experience with Severe traumatic brain injury and stem cell treatment. I’m looking for family of the injured to speak out on any experiences.
I would love to hear about treatment/response for TBI as well. I have seen a trials doing autologous stem cells (from hip bone) via IV infusion and/or nasal spray. Is there any evidence for this? I was quoted $17k for one procedure… I don’t know if that is a great deal or a terrible one.
Thanks for the input!
A friend of my husband had this done about 2 mo ago. Stem Cells from fat. Had it nasal spray, in his bad arm and IV. His arm that was affected by the stroke was sore and that improver, he seems to be getting slightly better brain function in the thinking department. We are watching because my hubby had a stroke and want to see how much improvement for the money. It cost them $10,400 and that included motel and transportation to clinic.
you are being scammed
Just a reminder to commenters, this blog and this post are not a place for clinics to recruit patients nor for patients to find clinics, which are both against the commenting policy of this blog. Discussing clinics is OK, but keeping in mind that such comments cannot be promotional of the clinic nor the opposite (e.g. calling them “frauds” by name) without having extraordinary factual evidence.
I have carefully read all of the comments on this blog and very much appreciate all of them. My heart goes out to all of those that have or are suffering; especially those in chronic pain. I too am considering stem cell therapy for both knees. I am 69 years old and had never had a single knee problem until this past year. X-rays and MRI’s on both show insufficient cartilage. My questions are:
1). What is the current probability of a satisfactory/successful outcome from SC therapy?
2) Which type of therapy offers the best chances for success?
3). My current physician is recommending partial replacement on both knees. Which offer the best opportunity for pain-free mobile for the next ten to fifteen years? SC or surgery?
If you have had experience with my problem I would very much appreciate your contacting me at
Thank you.
In December, I had bone marrow removed from the back of my pelvis to inject into my knee. My knee can be so painful from one spot of bone on bone where there is a hole in the cartilage. I am 55 and have been turned down numerous times for a knee replacement. This “injury” inhibits my ability to go up and down stairs, walk at a normal pace, and walk for long distances. (I am a former runner.) I have been told that I have to wait 4-6 months before I know if it has worked. Other sites have stated 3-8 weeks for a change. I am so hopeful, but scared to death. It’s been 3 weeks and a little change. But is that cause I’m babying it? I will try to keep you updated.
Lifestyle can have a tremendous impact on whether stem cells will work or not. My suggestion would be a healthy diet, get a good 6-8 hours of sleep nightly, light to moderate exercise (but do not overdo it), decrease alcohol and caffeine intake, and decrease stress.
Hi – Any change in your condition since you posted this?
YES! It truly seems to be working! There is some pain, but not sharp! I had this procedure done in San Diego. I’ve checked in with my doctor and he strongly suggested PT – cause – you guessed it – I was babying my knee. I’m going to a place that uses stretch cages. Cannot find anything like that here in Chicago – where I live. I cannot believe what they have me do there! (lunges, simple squats, no weights are allowed for me nor running or jumping of any kind. Doc says that the stem cells form a “scab” and that I could still tear off that scab.) I am going up and down stairs – but all the way normal yet. I am so full of hope now – where there wasn’t any since last May.
Please update us asap!! I’m anxious to find out your results. I have bone on bone knees and they want to replace both.. I”m researching stem cells as a possible way out of that BUT finances are a concern…
I too have knee issues and am researching this procedure. Can you tell me how you researched the clinic you went to?
Have knee pain,but at this timecaused by Hip problem received second hip injection. may have to have hip replacement. AS far as stem cell use, my doctor suggested it possibly. I called Cleveland Clinic, and will go there for an opinion before doing any stem cell.
Here’s my latest update guys: I had my 6 month MRI of my knee after stem cell. If I wouldn’t have seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. There was a marked improvement in the area (cartilage hole with bone bruise). I had just talked him into a partial replacement – and he agreed – but we both changed our minds after seeing the new MRI. So, next he suggested a PRP. The purpose of this as I understand it – is to “feed” the growing stem cells. I went to PT right before the blood draw – cause doc said there’s research out there that show more good stuff comes out of blood draw if you exercise before. When my blood came out of centrifuge, they commented that I had “maxed out” the good stuff – not common for 56 year old – and attributed it to exercise. So here’s where I sit: Am I pain free? No. Is there a difference? Yes. Was it due to stem cells, PT, or decreasing my walking? Don’t know. I did have another doctor tell me that this wouldn’t work cause at my age my stem cells “were no longer that stemy.” Ugh. I’m trying this anyway. Here’s my personal email if anyone wants more info: cmcnulty34@yahoo.com.
OK guys, sorry to tell you this, but I’m going ahead with a full knee replacement. I did decrease my pain some, but the area (lesion) is always there – and it rears it’s ugly head at least once a day and interferes with my walking. I acutally think its getting worse. I’ve been told that I’ll have to have one someday and I’m making that someday now. It’s been a year of trying EVERYTHING. From gel shots to cortisone, to a knee brace, to Graston treatments, to stem cell, to PRP. I was truly hoping stem cell was the “cure” for me, but it wasn’t. I’m still glad I tried – I’m able to go ahead with a knee replacment (at 56 years old and 135 pounds) knowing that I had tried everything else. The only thing I said no to? Cartilege from a cadavar.
Good luck everyone. It doesn’t hurt to try – I know that $$$ can be an issue. I spent thousands.
Dear C McNulty,
Several suggestions for you if you go ahead with a total knee replacement.
1) Us an orthopedic surgeon that does hundreds of total knees per year, not someone that does one a month.
2) Use a board certified orthopedic surgeon. Continued board certification requires Continual Medical Education (CME) training and an exam every 3-5 years on current technologies, and preferably one with ties to a medical school.
3) You will need to exercise the knee almost continuously after surgery, and it will be EXTREMELY painful at first.
4) Acquire a passive motion machine that exercises the joint on a continual basis, even when you are not exercising it yourself.
5) Expect recovery to take anywhere from 2-3 times longer than what the surgeon tells you.
Good luck !!
Things to be aware of:
1) Understand that if there is an infection in the joint area during surgery, they may have to remove joint and fuse remaining portions of the femur and tibia together, making that limb shorter than the other one and “stiff-legged”, there is no joint to bend.
2) If you do not have good blood supply around the knee joint (i.e., vascular compromise, type-I diabetic, blood sugar >200), healing may not occur or the blood supply may not be sufficient to support your leg and foot, in which case the surgeon will need to amputate above the total knee.
Thanks for your advice! I did find someone who does hundreds in a year. I have to wait two more months as he is so booked out! He is demanding a passive motion machine – for me it’s actually to help keep me DOWN – as he is worried I will overdo it. I’ve watched people older than me in my current PT. I’ve seen people on stationary bikes – after only 5 weeks – pedaling their heart out. (They are my inspiration.) This doctor also requires a 4 hour class before surgery – for me and my partner. He teaches the class. My life right now is crap. I have to turn down so many things cause I can’t walk without trekking poles. I’m too young for that! I have been told the only things I have to give up are: running (already gave that up), skiing (hate the snow anyway), and tennis. I can live with that!
CMcNulty, I would to hear how you are doing. I have been a runner my entire life, both knees had meniscus tears, bone on bone in left knee. Had gel injections and finally this summer had to suddenly stop running. My left knee blew up and started slipping. I had live stem cells in the left knee one month ago and I am hoping this works. I am not running but my knee has blown up twice since the injection and I have had pain in the thigh just above the knee. I know I will have to have a knee replacement at some point.
And anyone else who is doing Stem cells for knees would love to hear from you. I must admit, besides the knee blowing up and some odd pain, the knee is feeling better. I do advise any and all, the diet is a key too, I am vegetarian but eat Tuna and Salmon (anti-inflammatory properties) and foods high in anti-inflammatory properties, take turmeric as well as eat the root in my foods, fish oil, apple cider vinegar and glucosamine and chondroitin. Drink lots of water.
I am wondering if anyone has had stem cell therapy for feet. I have very painful joints in my feet especially the big toe joints, I have been told I have degenerative joint disease, I also have hypermobility of the the joints, and I have Elher’s Danlos Type III. I cannot wear shoes as the pain is so bad. The balls of my feet, arches and heels hurt and therefore makes the muscles in my feet and legs very tight. My left hip is also quite painful also due to hypermobility
I was told that I needed the bones in my feet fused but a top orthopedic said no to the surgery, but did not know how to help. I have been on a very long journey with pain causing quite a bit of anxiety/depression as I cannot walk or exercises. I would love to hear from someone who used stem cell to repair the joints in the feet.
I also have Ehler’s Danlos & hypermobility. My joints are degenerating & the ball of foot is very painful. My ankle is also degenerating & has tendonitis. It swells up like a golf ball every day. My podiatrist is suggesting amniotic injections, but I’m not sure what brand it is yet. I have read some info suggesting it is a scam. I found a clinical trial for adipose injections in my area & was considering that as well. So confused on what to do. I don’t want to end up worse off than I already am.
I did not have SC injections but did have several PRP treatments in my feet, toes ankles, arch, lower back, hip, leg tendons.
Two treatments of maybe 40 injections each time. I have EDS and OA.
First several days after felt like a car accident, but gradually much better! This was two years ago. Feet are still ok but I need a revisit with my hips and back.
Can you email back with more info please
Has anyone had Regennexx stem cell/PRP treatment?
Please correct if the information I am providing is wrong. I Goggled you. The source I found stated that:
Paul S. Knoepfler (born April 10, 1967) is an American biologist, writer, and blogger. He is an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Human Anatomy, the Genome Center, and the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. In 2013 Knoepfler was named one of the 50 most influential people in the stem cell field along with others such as Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology as well as Nobel Laureates Shinya Yamanaka and John Gurdon. Knoepfler received a B.A. in English Literature from Reed College in 1989 and a Ph.D. in Molecular Pathology from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine in 1998 as a Lucille P. Markey Fellow. Knoepfler’s research is focused on enhancing the safety of stem cell treatments including that of induced pluripotent stem cells and developing novel therapies to target cancers, particularly brain tumors. His lab studies the Myc oncogene and other factors that regulate stem and cancer cell chromatin including histone variant H3.3.
This is information for individuals that are conversing on your blog to understand your background.
This year I had Stem cells in my knees they drower blood from my arm ,it when through a process and was injected in my knees. Any one had this kind procedure? Thanks joanne
James that is called PRP Platelet Rich Plasma that is not stem cell therapy I had it done very painful injection and no changes in my pain
My understanding after talking to several companies that actually harvest amniotic stem cells is that they are not considered allogenic- just like blood transfusions are not. They are not considered a drug for this reason. They MSUT be minimally processed in order to comply with this. Also the growth factors and extracellular matrix is not “added” to the compound but rather part of the amniotic tissues.
The company that harvests have different ideas about what is best. From my research, the best companies only use cells derived from the Amnion side of the placenta (the baby side) and not the maternal side. IF a company uses the maternal side, they are more likely to quote how many cells they have per injections but this is misleading. If they can count them then the likelihood is that they are from the maternal side and thus have been washed with DMSO in order to get rid of the HLA component. This kills most of the stem cells. The injection would still include growth factors, ESM, HA, etc but not live stem cells. Companies that harvest cells from the Amnion side will not quote “numbers of cells” because they cannot test and keep the cells alive at the same time. Seems like the better companies use cells just from the baby side- live cells with no immune responses that need to be suppressed with chemicals like DMSO.
David, unless it’s your own blood, blood transfusions ARE allogenic – did you never hear of A, B, O types?
For amniotic stem cells these will certainly be allogenic – most guys I know don’t have amniotic sacs from which to harvest them.
We have been administering amniotic transplants for almost two years, and the results have been astounding. We have tracked more than 80 patients over that length of time with most greater than 80% of patients reporting between an 80-100% improvement rating. Joints injected include knees, shoulders, thumbs, toes, elbows, ankles. Any synovial joint.
I know there has been some controversy surrounding the amniotic transplant. But having looked extensively into it there are some inherent advantages. The good companies utilize active cell counts prior to the product being frozen, you can see the swollen live cells that are being injected from slides that are examined. I have a high level of confidence knowing what is being injected into each patient. These cells are brand new have never undergone aging and are being injected with growth factors and other matrix that assist the cells in setting up and regenerating. It is fantastic to take pre and post films particularly on knee joints and be able to show patients improved cartilage spacing that correlates with their knee pain diminishing.
There have been three patients who have not had improvement, two underwent knee replacements after 3 weeks (the product can take up to 6 months for maximum improvement), and the third we administered a hyaluronan injection series to try and reduce additional pain levels, still undergoing tx.
Truly a life changer for so many patients. Best of luck in your individual research.
The details you shared are interesting. I have a few observations and questions.
If as you indicated you are administering a living amniotic, allogeneic product to patients, my understanding is that that is a 351 drug product requiring pre-approval from the FDA.
If you don’t have a BLA and IND from the FDA, then you could well be marketing an unapproved drug product without proper licensing.
Also by mixing living cells with growth factors and other compounds like extracellular matrix then you seem to be making this into a drug product.
Finally, amniotics are non-homologous to joints, further making your use that of an apparent drug product.
Where do you obtain the amniotic product?
Have you published your findings?
Admin, your comments are relevant as there is an increasing number of “stem cell” clinics offering amniotic growth factor injections. These clinics often promote the amniotic fluid injection as containing live stem cells, but they do not.
Amniotic fluid products are generally sterilized growth factors and other regenerative proteins. The contents of the product is proprietory and often unavailable to the public.
My experience is that the provider is either ignorant to the scientific facts or willingly deceiving their patients.
My advice to patients seeking “amniotic stem cell therapy” is to ask for the name of the product being used, then contact that company to see if their product contains live stem cells.
At this time, I’m not aware of a company that offers live cells, otherwise they would qualify as a 351 product and would be FDA non compliant without an IND, BLA, etc.
However, patients can improve from amniotic growth factors injections because the benefits are similar to PRP. Further studies are warranted to study the efficacy of amniotic growth factors vs PRP.
The health provider’s cost to offer PRP or amniotic fluid is far less than $1000. I do not understand why an amniotic fluid injection should cost much more than that. Some clinics are charging more than $5000. Not justified in my view.
A legitimate stem cell procedure (fat or bone marrow) requires advanced physician training and overhead expenses justifying costs ranging from $3500 to $10,000 depending upon the treatment.
Now is the time for Regenerative medicine physicians and scientists to create a resource to educate patients. There is too much misinformation, misunderstanding and blatant fraud.
Stem cell therapy, PRP, and other biological agents are providing good results when a trained physician uses current evidence from quality research in a disciplined approach. Anything less, exposes the patient to unnecessary risk, to their finances or their health.
Has anyone had stem cell therapy for kidneys?
Wow- that’s incredible- so happy for you! How did they harvest the stem cells- fat or bone or umbilical cords? How long was the treatment? I know we’re not supposed to name the clinic but can you say the state or country you had the treatment in?
I had a stem cell transplant for Lupus as part of a study at the NIH 12 years ago. I also had a spinal disease called Transverse Myelitis that paralyzed me chest down for 7 years. I am Lupus free and am in a walker after 17 years in a wheelchair. I am still improving as I keep working out. The goal is to get rid of the walker at some point. Been worth that month of hell during the procedure time period but I do not regret it at all!
Shawn, for the Lupus trial did they use your cells, msc umbilical cord cells, or did the do full blown chemo to kill off your immune system then reintroduce your own cells? I’m contemplating umbilical cord msc for mild lupus, with the hopes my immune system will be modulated and behave accordingly. Either that or IVIG treatment. I’d like to try something before heaving yo resort to immune compromising drugs. Any input appreciated..
My husband is considering stem cell treatment for COPD. I have spoke with several places some treat with blood only, some with fat. I would like someone that had treated for COPD with improvements please e-mail the names of clinics in or near Georgia you .recommend. He really needs helps
My husband and I are currently chatting with a clinic about getting him treatment. He had back surgery in 2000 for a herniated disc with discectomy at L5-S1. His sciatica is so bad right now he is absolutely miserable. Family dr says they probably will not do surgery so we found this clinic. They use amniotic stem cells from C-section donors. The cost will be around $7,000. We are in the process of getting his CT scan sent to the clinic – I was relieved when they asked for it as I took this as a sign that they were not “snake oil salespeople”. I am currently looking for accreditation information on the clinic and their doctors. My friend’s sister had this done at this same clinic. She was waiting for a hip replacement and had severe osteoarthritis in her knees. She had injections in both her knees and her back (she thinks that they were wrong about the hip replacement recommendation). She went from a wheelchair to my friend not being able to keep up with her in the mall. It should be an interesting experience. We will just have to cash in some savings/retirement investments and try 🙂 Prayers for healing for all – chronic pain sucks.
Hi Tina. I just had stem cell injections done in Barcelona, Spain two months ago. They used the stem cells from my own bone marrow which they processed in the lab for 22 days before injecting 1cc (about 10 million of 100% stem cells) into both my L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs. I had 2 surgeries previously. Never had them fused. Costed me about $24,000 US dollars with includes the preop tests. They’ve been doing this for 10 years over there in Spain and even longer in Germany. They say results are about the same 85%-87% as an artificial disc replacement. But this stem cell treatment takes longer. What I mean is the stem cells don’t even start to transform and heal the body until 4-6 months after the injection. While most people are feeling pretty good a month after they get an artificial disc.
That said, I still have pain as it has only been 2 months since the injection. But I’ve been able to reduce the level of pain some through exercise and other means. My idea behind choosing stem cells over an artificial disc is that it’s way less destructive to the body than having surgery. Surgery creates permanent damage. So I wanted to try this first before having a third surgery.
Its important to note that stem cells alone will not do much to suck in the herniation or increase the disc height. But if there is still enough room for the nerve roots to exit between the vertebrae and the herniation bulge is not too severe it may be a good option. But I think stem cells may be good anyway just to repair damage and regenerate tissues in general. Just my personal opinion.
Thanks for your comments David. It’s a good description of what I’m considering. I pray this works for you and that you are pain free in the next few weeks/months.
Tina, I hope everything is well. I also have sciatica from lumbar disc protrusion and considered amniotic fluid injection as an option, but decided not to. Amnionic/placenta fluids are nutritious but not necessarily have healing potential. I hear that they are great for pain relief in general, but sciatica is often mechanical issue – hearniated or bulging disc irritating the nerve.
I decided to opt out with same day, bone marrow stem cell with platelet lysate injection to my discs in attempt to fix disc protrusion and tear issue which could potentially fix sciatica as well. I hear that the most effective treatment is massive dose of stem cell injection to the disc (order of 10 million pure stem cells), just like David described, but cultured stem cell treatments are usually 20+k USD. Same day bone marrow stem cell treatment usually have lower stem cell count, so sometimes they could be effective, sometimes not effective at all (depends on the stem cell count in patients and experties of the practitioner). My injections are going to cost me 6k USD, quite affordable for two disc injections, and I will see how the results come out. Let me know if you are interested, I will give you more information if my results are good.
Would certainly be interested to hear if this helps. Also interested in any stem cell treatment that was helpful for any condition.
Dear Ed,
I have had multiple adult stem cell treatments (intra-nasal [neurological], nebulization [pulmonary], and systemic delivery [everything else]) for my Stage-IV SLE (systemic lupus). No cure, but has given me a better quality of life.
You may have a better quality of life than earlier – but you cannot infer that “it has given” you a better quality of life without mechanistic evidence and statistical significance over controls. People who read this blog sometimes take such statements as fact and they aren’t. Just sayin’.
Dear Archie,
I have quantifiable objective data if you prefer. I am tested twice a year by my physicians to track my progress. Since my initial diagnosis of Stage-II SLE in 1995 my file is about 4-5 inches thick. During my progression from 1995 to 2011 (Stage-IV SLE) my health deteriorated significantly and the objective data proved it. Since my stem cell transplants began in 2011 my health has been cycling from marked improvement to stable to slightly worse to marked improvement to stable to slightly worse, repeating this scenario with every stem cell transplant (I have had 20 thus far). This cycling pattern depends on the type (autologous and/or allogeneic) and length of time between stem cell transplants. Since I am not dead yet and I can function at a reasonable level, I consider that an improvement in quality of life. The objective data mirrors this cycling pattern.
Edward, good to hear that you can track the changes occurring in your specific case, but this is still an uncontrolled n=1 with many confounding factors, i.e. anecdotal evidence, which cannot be extrapolated to other patients as a therapeutic modality.
As I said, with no solid mechanistic evidence or statistical significance over controls, one should be careful how to phrase the post for those with less scientific and clinical background. You have always been very clear on this.
Dear Archie,
I agree with your assessment, a sample size of one does really nothing for the greater scheme of things, except it has kept me alive for a little bit longer. But it has also been informative to the investigator who has used my data to construct clinical trials for others. My counterpart and one of the clinicians he works with have an IRB-approved clinical trial for neurodegenerative diseases ongoing at the moment. They are performing a very small clinical trial looking at the safety and efficacy of giving the patient their own stem cells using their own unique technologies. They are doing this with individuals having ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and PD (Parkinson Disease). While the results are encouraging, so far they have been incremental. The way I understand it, with every stem cell treatment there has been “two steps forward and one step back”. Several things from my study and the other study that my counterpart will let me share with the general public are as follows. And this is probably applicable to any type of stem cell treatment, not just the unique technology they used on me or the others.
1) Stem cell numbers matter, the greater the number of stem cells given, the better the response.
2) Alcohol KILLS stem cells.
3) Stress is detrimental to the function of stem cells.
4) Caffeine is detrimental to the function of stem cells.
Take care,
I am considering using umbilical cord stem cells for my autoimmune disease because I’m too thin to have the liposuction procedure here in the US. I’m wondering if anyone has travelled to Panama for treatment and if so, what was their outcome?
I was recently diagnosed with FTD with PPA, and I was considering stem cells, the few doctors I spoke with said that the treatment either stop the progression or reverse or slow it down…has anyone used stem cells to treat this disease ?
Maybe, it would be something to consider before shoulder surgery.
My son injured his shoulder, 3 small tares,,,,stem cell work???
In ’04 I had to have meniscus surgery. In ’10 I hurt my lower back being a stupid man thinking I could move something heavy to a new rental house. I felt 5 rapid pops in my lower back. No pain. I did some stretching and went ahead and moved the stuff.
Went to a huge teaching hospital in the Kansas City Metro Area. They did steroid injections into my knee and into my spine. L4 and L5. They worked once, but never again.
I finally found a pain management doctor. I’m on opiods which work, but only give me about 3-5 hours of ‘up’ time.
On August 8th he did a stem-cell prp injection into my right knee. The stem-cells he used (I forget the name) were from placenta and umbilical cords, which had been neutralized, etc. in the lab. The prp was done via a blood draw. Plasma Rich Platelets. For 3 days it hurt very badly. Because of the pressure in the knee area. But within a week, it wasn’t hurting anymore. I could feel things happening in there, but, it seemed to stop to a post operative condition, which was better than nothing. As much damage as was in that knee, I knew it would probably need several treatments.
Then there was the back. My pain management Dr. wasn’t qualified to do this. But he knew someone in Kentucky. NOW THIS IS SOMETHING I WANT TO TELL YOU AND I WANT YOU TO READ, IT HAPPENED BETWEEN A FRIDAY AND A MONDAY.
On Friday my paint management doctor told me that the KY doctor would be calling me Monday. Also during that weekend I went to my pharmacy to refill scripts. I got my Hysingla and it was a lower dosage. I went ahead and accepted it. MAJOR mistake. I came back in on Sunday to get it straightened out. They had filled a prescription that was stuck in the system from 7 months ago. Then Monday comes. No call from the AR doctor. Then Tuesday comes and I call him, he returns call. We chat. I send him e-mail like he asked. Then Wednesday……My pain management Dr. starts slamming me with texts about coming in with a 7 month old script. The pharmacy told them that I came in with it, which was a total lie to cover their butts. The pain management eventually called me and we worked it out, as I’ve never lied or failed a drug test with them. Then, later that day he sent me MORE texts that I shouldn’t of gone around his back and talked to the AR Dr. He then told me that he would not allow his friend to work with me.
He said he’d refer me to a local
So my advice to anyone reading is to be very careful what your pharmacy is filling. I don’t know how to tell you to find a good pain management Dr. because in Kansas City they are seriously hard to find. The FDA isn’t making it any easier either. Drugs like tramadol and tizanadine do NOT work for me. These are newer generation drugs that work on the receptors of the mind and don’t go to the site of pain.
Anyway, sorry for the long story, but you asked for it. I’m desperate to find another place that will do stem-cells and prp in my right knee again and in my lower back. There’s always that company that begins with R, and they have an office in Kansas City, but, they are sooooooo expensive.
I don’t have family to speak of. Just me and three dogs. I just want to enjoy life again and at 55 I’m not ready to give it up but if I go back to the pain I WAS in, I’ll wind up ending it by my own means.
You’ll find it difficult to find people who even can comprehend chronic pain.
Check for functional medical doctors in your area, make sure they are an MD. Also google the patient bill of rights, you have the right to a second opinion for any condition. If this threatened this doctor you don’t need him. Any more problems with the pharmacy go to the state board of professionals website and look up the pharmacist name and file a complaint. Make sure whoever you talk to at the pharmacy understands you will do this.
On Sunday September 11, 2016, I received an amniotic stem cell injection for my right Achilles tendon. When I left the clinic I began to have a sore throat. Then as time progresses I had flu like symptoms.
My Achilles had pain on and off. I continued to have flu like symptoms. By Thursday I had difficulty getting out of bed due to flu symptoms. I felt better once I was out of bed.
I started feeling a lot of pain in my Achilles as the day progressed. By the time I went to bed the pain was unbearable! I couldn’t sleep at all that night.
I talked to the chiropractor who was involved in this treatment. He said this meant the stem cells were really working. He said the doctor who gave me the injection could prescribe me a narcotic but I would have had the drive from San Diego County to Orange County to get it.
I decided not to do that. Throughout the day I have no appetite because of the flu symptoms. I then started having severe pain in my right knee! I couldn’t move! I had pain in my lower back as well.
I broke down and took Alleve. They advised against it but I was in so much pain I could hardly move!
They said 300k received the injection with no side effects.
I’m very disappointed! I paid $4500 for this injection to have days of misery and pain not going away by itself!
Wow Dee, you seem to have had a strong reaction from the stem cell injections, that was aggravated by your having the flu going in to it. Were you advised to apply ice or to stay off the foot for long periods of time? Did you get much advice at all about aftercare?
I had a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection done on my left thumb joint on 9/14 which are suppose to be more painful than amniotic stem cell injections. The first day they did advise me to put ice on the area of the injection for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for several hours but the next day there was no pain at all and I actually got a 9 day break from the searing pain I’d been experiencing for many months! (Like someone slicing my thumb open from the lower palm to the second thumb joint!)
It only started hurting again on Friday 9/23 but still the pain is no where near what it had been.
I hope you still get some relief. The clinic personnel I was treated by in FL, said some people do have an inflamed response to stem cell injections and that it is always very individual with no way to know who will react and who won’t.
I’ll write more soon about the amniotic stem cell injections I had on both knees last month for which I had no painful reaction (which worried me as I wondered if the stem cells weren’t working), but so far the results are very good.
heavens only knows what you were injected with but I have not heard of a reaction to stem cell injections ever. Secondly NO Chiropractor is qualified to do any thing like the procedure you described. You do know that chiropractors are not doctors. They have less than 2 years of training and have caused very serious problems in people including death. Run from those guys.
Chiropractors have 5 years of training beyond undergrad and are licensed in every state and yes they have doctorate level education and credentials.Many practice in medically integrated clinics as well.The side effect rate from treatment is the lowest of any health care profession as well
Debra, You should not comment on something that you obviously know nothing about.
If you read what was written, the chiro did not inject anyone. That was done by a medical professional. I can’t speak to the side effects but if you have read this forum you know that this stem cell experimental treatment results seem to be different for everyone.
I had stem cell and prp treatment in my knee. It did not work for me.
Were they bone marrow SC? I ask because a plan for Fat SC has been proposed to treat my knee, I have a pre-op tomorrow.
me neither
i love stem cells
A cohort of 26 successive patients undergoing allergenic noncumulative stem cell transplantation is obtainable, all of whom were given a mixture of flabbiness and ATG. Patients’ characteristics are described in Table. RESULTS
The allergenic noncumulative stem cell transplantation procedure was much better tolerated in contrast with the likely side belongings next a criterion myeloablative routine. As can be seen in Table, listing ordinary procedure-related toxic manifestations, next allergenic noncumulative stem cell transplantation no grade 3 or 4 toxicity (World Health association [WHO] criteria) were experiential in any of the recipients. For more information please visit at
Please is anybody knows anything about stem cell of America email me at khalene.hassler@aimhomehealth.com. I am desperate for any information because my baby boy needs a miracle we have an appointment next month with stem cells of anything. Any thing you know please please.
I had Adipose Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago in California. I have had no real improvement and my stomach, where they took the fat, has so much pressure it feels like my stomach is hanging over my legs. I am not overweight but it feels like I am. Has anyone else experienced this?
I had shoulder replacement surgery in the August 2011 which deteriorated by May 2014 (Osteolysis) with considerable wear of the plastic glenoid component. The TSA was revised, the glenoid piece removed, holes in the shoulder blade filled, anf the ball on the humerus changed for a larger one to take up the gap left by the absence of glenoid piece. The net result is an arm that has decent mobility but continued pain. As a serious side-effect of this operation is damage to the nerves which resulted in a lack of feeling in some of the fingers in my right hand, and a displaced nerve on the inside of my right elbow.
Given my history with the right shoulder, and with the left shoulder becoming increasingly painful, I went to a local “pain clinic” (Crystal Coast Pain Management), seeking help. For about 10 months they shot the shoulder with steroids which became increasingly less helpful. The Dr. then referred me to Aegean Medical at the same location. They performed a Liposuction procedure, processed the results of same, and injected it into the left shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance.
This cost me $2750, and resulted in some belly pain, but no discernable effect on the aching shoulder.
Unhappily, I’m facing another complete shoulder replacement, or what ever the Duke Orthopedic establishment thinks is appropriate.
I to live near Cystal coast,and was un happy kitfoxivplay@gmail.com thanks Kem
If you don’t mind my asking; where did u go to get this done? I am also on fb in nj- Thanks
I have a torn labrum and both hips- have extensive degeneration.
Jim Hannan,what is the secretions follow up you talked about,the N.Y clinic did say something about that but I did not understand what he was talking about, Jim could you write to me on my web address. deegeardino@optonline.net. There are a couple of things I would like to talk to you about.
I failed to mention one very important point. A recent MRI completely baffled my neurologist, showing no active MS and two very very small old lesions that were not active. Woohoo!!! Stem Cells work!
I was diagnosed with progressive MS 20 years ago. By 2010, I could barely stand up, needing to sit down after a minute, and walking was excruciatingly difficult. June 2010, I had my first Stem Cell Treatment, a combination of my own adipose fat stem cells and umbilical cord stem cells. Results from this first treatment were very impressive. My legs were extremely strong and remain so to this day. I can stand up for an hour or longer if needed. My bladder was almost completely repaired. Prior to stem cells, I incontinence was the state of my bladder. That was not the case after that treatment.
I receive stem cells once a year. The second treatment gave me no repair but I did receive that blessed relief from fatigue and weakness for about 6 months. The third treatment brought some kind of repair to the nerves leading to the bowels. I was now having a movement once a day instead of once every 10 days. I think this was huge.
This last treatment made some repairs to the hip flexor muscle on the right side. Or should I say the nerve to the hip flexor muscle was repaired. I cannot lift my leg on the right side and before the treatment I was not able to lift it off the ground at all.
So I need to clarify one thing. The last two treatments have been strictly umbilical cord stem cells.
Judi Lecoq
Dear Ms Lecoq,
Were the umbilical cord stem cells you received from a male or a female or from both?
I would like to see any comments on using adipose derived stem cells from “belly fat” to treat neurological diseases such as Charcot Marie Tooth. The reply about using adipose stem cells to treat a dog was interesting. After some consideration,
I decided not to undergo a test procedure, where adipose stem cells from (belly fat
fluid) would be by IV into my blood stream and some 30 injections into the calves
of my legs. The first treatment would be $8900 in early year 2015 and less if more were needed. This was to treat my hereditary disease, where nerve cells
were being damaged by genetically defective t cells sent by my brain for normal
replacement of nerve cells. A big question is how long will the treatment last, since the brain will continue to send defective t cells. As a temporary fix, the time
where gain in mobility is improved is of most interest not to ignore safety. I will most likely not live long enough to see a gene modification procedure created to correct genetic diseases.
To Jim Hannan, I am afraid of the Glutathion because I get broncho spasems every once in awhile where my throat closes up and it is very hard for me to to be able to get my breath right it feels like I am breathing thru a very tiny opening in my throat it is very scary.That happened once when I was using my Nebulizer.That is how I stopped smoking. I had a coughing spell and lit a cig to stop it and it closed my throat right up,never smoked again that is how scared I was,I try not to panick when this happens.I wish some people would spell out some of the thing they are talking about instead of abbreviate some things like BSCs Thank you Dee
^^^ Clarification and edit of above post* “Perhaps the glutathione you speak of. It is not yet indicated or approved for use in COPD.”
Glutathione is available for nebulizer by prescription for copd. The usual starting dose is 300 mg of glutathione (200 mg/cc, draw 1.5 cc and place in nebulizer) twice a day. Note: Patients with cystic fibrosis and other respiratory disorders can benefit from this therapy; however, it may cause bronchoconstriction in those with sulfite-sensitive asthma.
@deegeardino I would think before they give you glutathione they would check for sulfites in your urine. If you are on o2, 24 -7 you should be on nebulized medications already. I haven’t been to that particular clinic but I have gone to their competitor in Florida whose overall protocol is slightly different.
From (the study you reference) what I understand, in their Manhattan location they do a secretions followup in nebulizer. Perhaps the glutathione you speak of. It is not yet indicated or approved for use in COPD. They also bank and grow a million extra concentrated adipose derived cells for a 6 month followup in the included price of 7Gs. In the clinic i went to, i took nebulized platelet rich plasma home instead of secretions. Would I recommend the procedure to you.
Yes!! The cost is ridiculous I know but for your psycholigical well being I would recommend you give it a try if you can afford a treatment.
JIm, That office told me they wanted to use younger stem cells with me and I asked them what about redjections they than said there was no stem cells in it,it was called secretions what ever that is.I talked to a doctor yesterday that works with trials and there was a big stem cell meeting over these clincils .They haven’t stoped them because they are not using stem cells so they are not really breaking the law.He said to wait for Pittsburg to post on clinical trials.gov they are working on stem cell now. Dee
I’ve had four regimes of stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. I am alive because of good communication between my doctors, and I believe this treatment was highly effective.
The stem cell transplants treated my multiple myeloma by restoring bone marrow with healthy cells, which later stimulated new bone marrow growth and aims to restore my immune system. I have not had convincing results with my immune system, but I am alive and in relatively good health.
I underwent a conditioning regimen, involving intensive chemo therapy treatment aimed at destroying as many myeloma cells as possible. After nine months of therapy, my oncologist gave the green light to undergo the allogeneic stem cell transplant treatment.
In the months following the transplant, my blood was regularly monitored my blood counts. I required numerous transfusions of red blood cells and platelets. I was told that my intensive treatments that I received before the stem cell transplantation was the source of my awful and stubborn infections. I was administered IV antibiotics to combat this. I was also prescribed a 2-year regime of drugs to reduce any risks of graft-versus-host-disease.
At this point in time, I celebrate three years of remission. I’d go through the pain, discomfort and lengthy treatments all over – I mean, I was fortunate to have my condition diagnosed because of a bicycle accident. If not for a stupid driver, I might not have had treatment options.
Yes I had an Echo Cardiogram that showed the improvement in heart function and also blood tests that showed kidney improvement. As said previously I am going to have another Adipose Derived Stem Cell (ADSC) before end of June. Prior to next treatment I will have another Echo Cardiogram and other required tests to set a base line point again. It will be interesting to see now after six and a half years where I am at now and then to see if any improvement a few months later after my next treatment.
On another note my wife is also having a 2nd treatment for Arthritis. Her 1st treatment 6 years ago improved her condition greatly. She now feels it is time to have another treatment as some joints in hands and feet have started to hurt again. The 1st treatment also fixed her long distance eyesight and she did not need glasses any more. Confirmed by optician. It also seem to fix a old whiplash injury from 30 years ago. The ache/pain in her neck/back went.
Please share where your wife received injections for her arthritis. Thank you!
Where did she have the injection of you don’t mind me asking??? I’m wondering how it got in or traveled in the body to repair other organs.
@deegeardino You can ask your doctor to prescribe a nebulizer for you which will then be provided by your oxygen company or you can easily purchase one online.
Paul I have copd and I am looking at going into a stem cell trial on clinical trials .gov. The trial number is NCT02216630 you still have to pay for this your self,and they have one close to me in Manhatten N.Y. they use stem cells from your fat in your belly.I am a little scared of this,I just don’t know what to do at this point I am on oxygen 24/7. I am not sure I can inhale the glutathione ,besides were would you buy that for nebulizer med.Has anyone been there? Dee Geardino —e-mail address deegeardino@optonline.net
1. Injected MS maintenance drug daily for 5 years with terrible side effects. Other approved MS drugs offered had possible life threatening side effects, or I was unable to take due to exclusion criteria. Had one round of MSC’s for MS in 2012 with many quality of life improvements lasting to date. Two of the most helpful conditions eliminated were heat intolerance and fatigue. Cost can be anywhere from 10K-25K.
2. In 2015, had 2 rounds of PRP over course of 6 mo., in right heel. PRP completely eliminated an extremely painful case of plantar fasciitis. Aprox $500 per treatment. I’m free of condition to date. Can walk/hike and go about daily living without pain. Option for traditional treatment were steroid injections or surgery with no guarantee of eliminating condition.
3. Opted for a bone marrow aspirate during arthroscopic surgery to treat ACL skiing injury in left knee June 2015. Injury had no possibility of healing on its own. Had full recovery. Was hiking, biking, walking in 6weeks with a completely functional knee. Skiing full speed 6 mo. later. Costs aprox 5K. Traditional methods of knee repair were using a cadaver tendon or taking part of my hamstring muscle to repair injury, creating another injury. Traditional methods would have required 9-12 mo. intensive rehab and narcotics to treat pain.
Each condition mentioned above was treated at a different clinic. I’ll chose my own cells over outdated more invasive options every time.
@Paul. Yes Paul i was instructed to administer the PRP by nebulizer. I was given a dozen syringes that I kept on ice in a cooler while traveling and kept them frozen then thawed them by keeping them in my hands for a few minutes and used one, every four days. I actually feel much better now after 3 and a half months.
I still have some issues with exacerbations but have enough experience and confidence now to know the triggers and how to deal with the anxiety.
I have been able to get out almost daily, if just to take a drive for coffee. I wouldn’t say its a significant improvement just yet but it certainly is a start in the right direction, and i don’t feel like Im falling off the cliff to spiral downward. Im happy just with a baseline like it is. I also found that N acetyl cystein – 600 mgs 3 times a day has aided me in lysing mucus production.
I very much appreciate the level of research people have done, as I also did. This demonstrates that the risk of vulnerability to “snake oil” treatments can no longer be cited with the urgency that existed before the average person had so much information available to them.
Did anyone consider the Highest Prices were from the Scam clinics – get it before they catch up with you.
I found a place that not charge hight prices. $2500 for both knees. They use stem cells from patients Illiac Crest, Blood and adipose tissue. 2 hours to harvest, centrifuge and inject. Owner was an Orthopedic Surgeon that preferred treating/healing than artificial joints. If second treatment needed within a year, 1/2 price since they save your stem cells for one year. 14 people from my area have been treated with good results. Worth the 11 hour drive.
Deb can you email me DianeHgig@aol.com for the location clinic, re your comment 2/5/18 . My husband has arthritis in one hip. Such a big range in prices, and we are looking for good results not scams. Thank you. Diane Seattle area.
Wonder if Deb sent you information of doctor and location for your husbands arthritus…I also unfortunately have pressing issues with both knees, hips and lower back and afraid of scam artists…please pass on info if you received it…thank you so much
You may be interested in this site:
Here we see doctors putting their own cash into developing stem cell therapies.
Some types of treatment might not fit a drug-company business model…
@ Paul, Yes, side effects were mentioned. The only side effect that I had was a little bit of back pain following the marrow draw. It soon resolved.
I had stem cell treatment in Madrid, Spain, my experience was great with my diabetes, alter 6 month I noted my HbA1c decrease from 7.6 to 6.1 and actually no Longer I use insulin.
I paid $6,500.00 Euros and no I thought it is an reasonable price.
Can you provide evidence? I assume you’re talking about early stage type II diabetes – which has a high rate of self-correction with diet and exercise anyways – anything else is not possible, especially type I where the pancreas tissue is not there to be saved.
Hi! I am curious to know too if you are type I or type II? Can you please let me know, as I am considering stem cell therapy for my diabetes too.
Thank you.
I’ll weigh in for my dog Ruby who is a sheltie X. She is 15 years old. She was very arthritic and having problems getting up from a seated or prone position and was falling fairly often. She had an adipose derived stem cell treatment a few months ago. She also gets laser therapy weekly. She is now able to get around easily and even breaks into a run now and then. Her cells are banked if she should need another treatment, but at this point, there is no need for it.
The other option we were given was a host of steroid injections and pharmaceuticals, including pain medication. We chose not to do that and are extremely happy with our choice of stem cell treatment for her.
Can you share the cost please?
Her stem cell treatment was around $2500 which included X-rays and post treatment care as well as the banking. The laser treatments are complimentary at her primary vet’s office. He allows pet owners to come in and learn how to use the laser and then treat their pets at no charge. She is doing so well. It was worth every penny. She was so frisky today that no one would ever be able to tell she is 15. She also takes a joint supplement called Joint Max. I think many vets that offer laser have package plans. We are lucky that her vet doesn’t charge for it. Laser is something that you need to continue to do to reap the most benefits.
A full accounting of my experience would have to identify the clinic. Since the rules preclude a full accounting, I can only say this.
I suffer osteoarthritis in one knee as a consequence of letting a surgeon loose on my medial meniscus back in early 1970’s. (Don’t ever let anyone do that to you!)
I was not cured by my autologous bone-marrow stem cell treatment but my condition did improve. I cannot “prove” that my improvement was due to the stem cells or whether the improvement was caused by some other aspect of what was a very comprehensive treatment plan.
It is important for me to point out that the doctor treating me was very clear that I was paying for an experimental treatment. I had read multiple peer-reviewed publications and had come to the conclusions that the treatment had a high probability of being safe and a small chance of a cure. My analysis was that other types of condition (eg tendon injuries) would be more curable using the same basic approach — which I broadly characterize as amplifying natural healing mechanisms.
As a scientist, I am well aware of laboratory costs and I judged that the price was in keeping with the nature of the treatment. (Which, again, I can’t get further into without identifying the clinic.)
Stem cells aside, I would highly recommend the doctors who I cannot name at the clinic that I cannot name.
Thanks as always for weighing in and in this case talking about your experience at a clinic. I’m glad to hear that there was an emphasis in this case that what you received was experimental. Did they talk about potential side effects? Paul
I had an amniotic stem cell transplant into my right shoulder sixty days ago today.
I had planned an IV transplant one month later if the first one was successful. After 30 days there was no difference in my ROM, pain and function. Today my crepitus is decreased by 40%, ROM improved by 40% and chronic pain at 1-2 vs 6-8 prior to the transplant. I am again considering IV transplant in about four months depending on my continued improvement in my right shoulder. The cost of the injection transplant was $5,000 and the IV was to be $4,000. I am a retired RN with 33 years experience, the last 20 years in a very busy large department in Sacramento. I also taught EMT’s at two college campuses in the Los Rios Community College District for twenty years. I’ve had several intra joint injections of corticosteroids so am experienced with the technique.
The stem cell clinic was state of the art with the newest technological equipment. An RNP both did the initial consultation and after one hour I made the decision to proceed. She also performed the procedure with the utmost sterile technique. I held and examined the vial of amniotic stem cells prior to injection and inspected the label which was a FDA approved laboratory. This was shown to me during my consultation visit. The NP’s technique was so good with messaging the joint after injecting local anesthesia for about ten minutes. During that time the NP showed me several torn tendons in my shoulder and pointed out my “shredded rotator cuff”. I barely felt the stem cell injection needle, uncomfortable but certainly not painful. It was injected very slowly and I could see the stem cell liquid enter my shoulder joint from the needle on the Ultrasound. I had absolutely no post-injection discomfort.
I never saw or met an M.D. while in the clinic.
I spent several months researching this treatment including your website and had the full bio of the RNP before going to the consultation. I was very candid with her and she was equally as candid with me as we discussed her training, experience, and knowledge. I was very comfortable with her and would not hesitate to return for another treatment administered by her. I would recommend this clinic to anyone with joint disease or degeneration.
Thanks for the detailed description of your transplant experience. There’s been quite a bit of discussion about amniotic transplants. The biggest question at this point seems to be are the “amniotic stem cells” administered by the clinics (A) actual living amniotic stem cells or (B) protein extracts (i.e. no living cells, but material taken from stem cells at some past point).
Did you have a sense from your experience what was used or was it not clear in this regard?
I did not ask that question but the vial was refrigerated when she obtained it and asked me to hold it in my hands for the ten minutes she was messaging my shoulder after the local anesthetic agent was injected to warm it up prior to the injection. Does this help? Thanks, Roberta
Thanks, Roberta.
Maybe things weren’t clear during the experience of getting the transplant, but what was your assumption/gut feeling at the time?
Living cells? An extract?
Did they say “stem cells” or “stem cell extracts”?
I felt she was using stem cells the entire time. The word extract was never spoken. In retrospect I wish I had asked her to keep the empty stem cell vial.
Next time I will if I do go back.
Thanks, Roberta
I know that in the ortho office I work for, we recently started doing amniotic “stem cell” injections, but they do not actually contain any living stem cells. It is somewhat deceiving as many clinics refer to them as stem cell injections, and technically they can call them that as the patients don’t typically ask whether the cells are alive or dead. I’ve even seen info from the manufacturer that did not come right out and say it contained stem cells, but instead gave info on some stem cell attributes that could be easily misconstrued. We carefully explain the injections to patients, and have not had any decide against treatment afterwards.
There is no documented evidence that amniotic fluid/cells(if there are any in the mixture) are effective.
What I am reading here all points to “Sham treatments’. There are many seemingly reputable doctors and clinics offering hope to desperate people if you an pay for it. Many of you are being fooled into thinking these procedures work. It is called the placebo effect. As a Nurse practitioner and a stem cell recipient patient I have done more research than the average patient and have looked at and been in clinical trials.
Thanks Roberta for you comments on amniotic stem cell treatment for your shoulder. Appears the clinic you had the injections is the one I plan to see for stem cell treatment for my neck disk degeneration. (Nervana, Robin?) I asked how many treatments they have done on the neck and back and was told they have done hundreds. May I ask how you rate this clinic’s expertise, operation and professionalism? Would you recommend them? If you like to reply to me only, my email is awau@email.com
And how is your shoulder now some 6 moths later?
I too had amniotic stem cells injected into my shoulder (left). I have had two treatments, averaging $2k each. My ROM has increased greatly, and my level of pain has dropped from a debilitating 8 of 10 to 2 to three, depending upon my level of activity. The clinic serves major professional athletes in the Pittsburgh area, was clean and state of the art. I am a believer!
Dear Paul,
SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) is a nasty progressive autoimmune disease that will cause a myriad of inflammatory problems in every organ of the body. Without continued treatments I would have died. But to answer your first question, No, they had no clue how many treatments I would need. I have received the treatments from multiple clinics over a period of five years and counting. When I start to regress from my last treatment I receive another treatment. An unexpected side effect occurred with the first allogeneic treatment. Once the particular problem was realized, it has not been repeated.
Thanks, Edward, for the reply to my question. I’m curious do you also take any non-stem cell treatments for your SLE?
One of the other aspects to these stem cell treatments that I’m interested in is to what extent patients stop taking “conventional” pill/shot kind of treatments based on chemical drugs and switch over to stem cells OR if they more often combine the two.
I wish you all the best.
Dear Paul,
I started with a board-certified Rheumatologist some 21 years ago after being diagnosed with stage-II SLE. I began with a “flavor of the month club”, i.e., AMA-approved chemical treatments for SLE. Basically there were/are none. But I tried multiple versions (singly and in combination) of prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines, corticosteroids, quinine, opioids, immunoglobulins, low dose chemotherapuetic drugs, etc. Nothing halted the progression of my disease, and in some instances actually accelerated its progression.
For 16 years I steadily progressed to stage-IV SE (death is stage-V). After a conference with my Rheumatologist in which I was told that the then symptoms I was showing was indicative of terminal lupus (death imminent) I decided on a stem cell transplant. That was five years ago. The stem cell transplants have done more for me than any AMA-approved chemical treatment. Currently, I try to restrict any activity that would cause an inflammatory response (i.e., lupus flare/crisis) resulting in the systemic deposition of scar tissue and decreases in functioning organs. Thank you for your empathy, it has been an interesting five years.
Thanks, Edward.
Insurance does not pay for experimental therapies, which stem cell treatment is considered. However, there are other options: clinical trials under IRB (Institutional Review Board) oversight for safety clinical trial, efficacy clinical trial, pay for cost clinical trial, etc. However, need to do homework on clinic, physicians, trial investigators, and any scientific publications to add validity to their work.
Thanks for telling us about your experience with stem cells. Have you had any cardiac function/imaging tests that show improvements or is it based on how you feel?
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Is your stem cell treatment by inhalation or IV administration? Some other route? If the treatment is not through the airway system, but given into the blood, how did the person doing it explain that it would work for COPD?
@admin IV (first pass is the lungs) and nebulizing. The study was done under IRB approval. I signed a NDA, but suffice it to say that the treatment was very helpful and I would recommend stem cell treatment to anyone suffering from COPD.
so Barbara Stem cell treatments have helped your COPD? my husband is getting ready to have the treatments done in a couple weeks…after reading some of the reviews, I was starting to worry that we might be wasting our money.
Thanks for the encouragment
I had the stem cell treatment for my COPD. It has improved my o2 level from 93 to 94% I now have an o2 level between 95 and 97%. I do however have a very ugly side effect from the treatment. I am suffering from ongoing nausea. It has gotten so bad I spent 5 days in the hospital and am currently on 3 medications to try to control it. I also have to go get shots at least twice a week because the meds just don’t work well alone. I think it is a wonderful treatment but if I had know about this side effect I don’t think I would have jumped in so quick. I did do a lot of research and nothing mentioned nausea. I paid 5199 for the treatment in Tx. I received the treatment thru IV and also thru inhalation.
Katheryn when you went in the hospital because of getting sick from stem cell treatment did your insurance pay the hospital bill or did they refuse because you had stem cell treatment.I have copd and was thinking of doing a stem cells in New York on clinical trials.gov.NCT02216630 it cost about $7,500.they use your fat to get the cells from but they also have another type of treatment.They told me they would use younger cell in a nebulizer treatment for $2,500 and I would not have to do the Lipo suckishion.Has anyone done this treatment from Dr Ross on clinical trials please let me know.deegeardino@optonline.net. I really would like to know if you had a problem with the insurance in the hospital.
I have performed stem cell treatments on many patients with COPD both IV and through nebulizer. Nausea has never been a problem for any of our patients. We only use the patient’s own stem cells for 2 reasons. 1) there are reports of rejection of other’s tissues and 2) while growth factors and other catalysts from another person’s tissue may reduce inflammation temporarily, your body cannot build new tissue using tissue of another person.
Katherine Knoll
What kind of stem cells do you use? Do you have any kind of FDA approval? Do you have any data to back up what you are doing?
FDA has no problem with what we do
Data can be had by speaking with our very happy patients!
I appreciate your comment on your experience. Do I understand correctly that you were instructed by the clinic to self-administer by inhalation the PRP?
Thanks for sharing your experience. Was the clinic upfront that you may need repeated treatments before you even got the 1st treatment? 17 treatments seems like a lot — over what period of time did you get these? Have you had any side effects?
For those of you who have shared your stories as patients, am I right in thinking there was no insurance coverage and you paid yourself for the cost?
Hi there — insurance does not cover the actual treatments because these treatments are not FDA-approved, so yes they are out of pocket. However, you can use your pre-tax FSA funds, so you may want to take out the max for next year if you can wait that long. Some insurance companies will cover the consultations. Mine does.
Dear Gina,
I agree. Also, IRS will allow costs for experimental treatments (treatment, travel, hotel stay, but NOT food) on your 1040 long form if you itemize your deductions.
I’m curious if the clinic discussed risks with you? Did they make any claims about what % of patients are helped? Did they mention up front that a 2nd treatment might be needed or only after the 1st one didn’t work?
Thanks for sharing your story.
I had it jab at my side of my hip. Whole body skin feel firm n baby skin but side effect I hav terrible itchy hives till I hav to see doctor for medications to stop the itch.
How is your hip feeling. I serious OA in my right hip and I am thinking about doing this.
Ask questions at the clinic or better yet email them to talk to a patient consultant. Find out what will be in the injection, its not always just stem cells. Make sure you are not allergic to anything in the injection.
I have had 17 stem cell treatments. Some were autologous only, some were allogeneic only, and some were mixed autologous and allogeneic. I have SLE and I am holding my own with a reasonable quality of life. My disease is progressive and if I do nothing I get worse and will die no matter what. So the SC treatments have kept me going. For the first 24-48 hours after a treatment I feel like I can conquer the world. After that, real healing starts about 2 weeks after treatment and I can detect a noticeable difference. I have had treatments on West coast, east coast, and in between, different clinics. Cost has averaged out at 5K per treatment. I discovered the clinics by word of mouth. Some I would refer people to depending on their problem(s), others I would not.
Would love to know what places you recommend. I have an appointment scheduled at stem cell of America for my 3 year old. Please email me Khalene.Hassler@aimhomehealth.com
Where should I go for knee injections? I have both knees bone on bone because of osteoporosis and RA. It’s progressive. Please help.
Dear Karyna, I apologize to you for not answering sooner. I have had the most success at two stem cell clinics. One stem cell clinic is in the Pacific Northwest, and the other is in the mid-Atlantic East coast area. Both used endogenous stem cells isolated from a blood draw, either one’s own stem cells or stem cells from a matched ABO-blood group donor. I would recommend either clinic. I am currently using the clinic on the East coast because it is closer to my home. After the first of the year (2017) I will be going there for my 21st stem cell transplant. As I have stated in the past, my disease, Stage-IV SLE, is a chronic progressive degenerative terminal disease, which necessitates periodic stem cell transplants to maintain a reasonable quality of life. Take care, Edward.
(Editor’s note: at this time, information that can be used to direct people to stem cell clinics selling unapproved therapies cannot be included in comments. This comment has been edited in that regard).
I had osteoporosis, and the best thing you can do is start supplementing what your bones and joints are made of in addition of or without having stem injections, taking in any liquid calcium magnesium, with d3 mineral supplement in addition with a glucosamine and gelatin supplement for your joints is your best bet, as if you only get stem cell treatment without having the raw materials your bones and joints are made with it won’t be even nearly as effective, you’d be trying to make cells your joints and bones are made of without having what they are made of in your body.
Hope this will help you.
Dear Matt L,
Very well said. One cannot just get a stem cell transplant and expect it to do everything, regardless of your lifestyle or nutritional status.
I’ve had 5 IV stem cells, of various kinds. Plus MANY PRP injections..life saving, all of it. I have SS( which is similar to (SLE), multiple spine conditions ( 1/3 of my spine is composed of titanium, steel, and plastic), Plus Lyme disease, mold illness, heavy metal poisoning, and more! Stem cells are totally life saving. Obviously, it’s really important to have a qualified clinic and professionals.
Dear Shannon,
I would totally agree with your assessment of using qualified professionals for treatments. It can make all the difference on whether a treatment will work or not.
Could you tell me if you have had any treatment from a state close to Ontario, Canada? Did you receive IV stem cell injections or joint injections? Any tips on how to find reputable doctors?Thanks
Dear Emily,
I have received my stem cell transplants for the last four years from a clinic in one of the mid-Atlantic states. For the meniscal repair I was told that my adult stem cells (TSCs, PSCs, and MesoSCs) were isolated, activated, pooled and then split into two groups, one for the direct injection into the knee joint and the other for an IV infusion. As far as locating reputable doctors I would suggest MDs that collaborate directly with research scientists. In that respect they should have a better idea of what they should be doing. One can locate adult stem cell research scientists via their publications through the National Library of Medicine (http://www.pubmed.gov). If they publish in open access journals they can be found through Google. Key search terms: Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, General category you want treated, i.e., orthopedics, pulmonary, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, etc. Clinics performing clinical trials can be found at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov (search terms: category you want treated (above), stem cells). Once research scientists, MDs and/or clinics are discovered, I would suggest looking them up directly on Google as well.
Wishing you the best of luck in your search,
I have very good experiences with a PRP-treatment of the ankle of my brother. He was suffering from avascular necrosis for 7 years before he tried PRP and he was healed by PRP.
Our experience is just n=1, but maybe other readers of this blog have used PRP, too?
I am receiving treatment for severe osteoarthritis of right ankle.
I have previously consulted two surgeons and was a considered a candidate for ankle fusion with no cartilage left in my ankle. . My mobility problems was getting severe but ankle fusion was terrifying due to permanent lame condition that would result with a “successful” outcome to control pain.
I have been treated with PRP followed 6 weeks later by autologous stem cells from fatty tissue taken from my mid-riff, then PRP again after another 6 weeks.
5 months after the initial treatment I have improved greatly with regard to pain and functioning of my ankle. I used to walk with difficulty, for limited distances and use a cane. Now I only use a cane if I am going for a very long walk or a hike.
Following the stem cell injections my ankle pain and foot swelling worsened for 3 weeks, and then suddenly started to become better. At 6 weeks after treatment I estimated a 60-70% reduction in pain, and some modest improvement in functioning. The clinical assistant told me that regrowing a cartilage layer even a few cells thick would dramatically decrease the pain compared to bone on bone contact. This seems to have been true in my case.
It has been 10 weeks since my last follow-up PRP treatment and I continue to improve steadily at a slower rate, such that every two weeks or so I am in a noticeably better state. I normally have only slight pain in my ankle, but find it starts to significantly hurt after 2-3 hours of physical work. If I then sit down for a half an hour or so I am recovered. I only use a cane if I am going on a long walk or hike. I estimate a total pain reduction from pre-treatment of maybe 85-90% and greater than 50% improvement in functionality of my ankle (stability, rotation, strength, etc).
I have opted for additional follow-up PRP injections. My naturopathic doctor says it is way too premature to consider another round of stem cells, and they may never be needed. The cost of PRP-stem cells-PRP treatment was $4,500. My insurance has covered some of the naturopathic consultation costs, so that number has been reduced by a few hundred dollars. Follow up PRP injections that I am initiating are about $600 each at 6-8 week intervals. I plan to continue this for another 6 months or so to gain maximum benefit from the stem cells.
One final note for people with ankle arthritis. The rotten ankle joint had caused some of my mid-foot bones to shift out of position. The PRP is helping that and they are strengthening and returning to the proper alignment. I always felt like I was falling over on the bad ankle side. I have found that wearing “zero rise” shoes (no elevated heel relative to toe) or negative rise shoes (remember “Earth Shoes:?) to be very helpful.
In my case, stem cells and PRP injections appear to be saving me from becoming permanently disabled. I can’t understand why it hasn’t been fully documented by clinical trials already.
Thank you for your detailed and very informative response Felix. My mother is 85 years old and had a very bad fall 4 years ago when she broke her left ankle and her left heel. She had pins inserted and when these were removed the ankle seemed to collapse inwards hours after the removal. She is getting a great deal of pain in the ankle joint probably because the cartridge has worn out completely and there is bone grating on bone.
Do you think that this condition would be helped by the treatment and who would you recommend that I go to to enquire further.? We are located in Auckland, New Zealand Auckland. Do you have any contacts or suggestions for here?
I am not qualified to answer you. But I read if you have pins or hardware of some kind that the stem cell won’t be of much benefit.
Hi Felix
I have severe OA in my right ankle but with hardware as well. Do you recall where you heard that it is less effective if there is hardware in the joint? Please respond as you are the only person I’ve found who has shared in the pain of localized OA and has had treatment.
I wish I had heard of this before I had a total ankle replacement ? I hope you continue to improve
Has anyone has stem cell and/or PRP injections for ankle arthritis?
On the 31/1/2009, I unfortunately had an anterior STEMI (heart attack) complicated by two VF arrest early in the post-infarct period, from which I was successfully resuscitated. My CK levels were recorded as 1479, although this will be influenced by the DC shocks. I was told after that it was a large infarct and made worse because there were no thrombolytic drugs available in Vanuatu where I lived. The doctor who looked after me was a miracle worker and he was on the telephone for hours to a specialist in New Zealand discussing what they could do and use to manage my problem. I survived as you can see but it took me some time to repair mentally and even today when I get ill it tends to play on your mind.
Since then I have had 2 Adipose Derived Stem Cell (ADSC) treatments via IV in New Zealand. First in April 2012 costs NZ$8,000 and another in March 2014 costing NZ$4,000. My heart and kidney function improved by about 10-15% after the first treatment but slightly less after the second treatment. I am moving to New Zealand next month and in the process of arranging another stem cell treatment. The treatment is basically painless and it only takes a few hours and a day off work and driving. You just need to take it easy and wear a pressure girdle for about 10 days.
I would just like to make a comment. I believe the treatment overall was cheap as I had a stent put in as the specialists hoped it may help my condition but after a visit some months later to check outcome they said it had not made any difference and was necessary. Not saying I would not have had it done if I had to choose but it did cost in total about NZ$30,000. Any medical treatment cost money and none can offer a 100% guaranteed outcome.
After the first treatment I felt much better and was able to do almost all that I could do before my heart attack. This lasted for 12 to 18 months but I then notice that I was slowly losing energy and motivation to do things that is why I had another treatment. I fully understand and accept this is NOT a fix all but it has improved my life in general however I know that over time my health will deteriorate more so than normal people.
My primary aim now, if I can stay well enough, is to find a hospital or clinic that is able to provide heart stem cell treatment using a mixture of bone marrow cells and cardiac cells grown from a heart biopsy to be injected back into the heart. I believe this will be an advance on the treatments I am currently having. I know the Texas Heart Institute is currently doing this but the cost for me and the chance of getting a placebo was not a workable option. I’m aware some doctors and researchers are using iPS cells, umbilical cord tissue cells or donors own blood cells however I have not followed up on any of these treatments.
I am happy to discuss my venture and I’d like to make a point that what works for some will not work for others. Yes there are rogue clinics out there just to make money but there are also honest clinics, so do plenty of research and if possible talk to people who have had treatments for what you are seeking.
Yeah so how do we avoid the rogue clinics and find the good ones if we can’t mention clinic names!! Anyone know where to obtain such information OR know where I can get on a list to be included in a study. I need stem cell for my knees due to the crippling arthritis and can’t afford the $5k per knee I was quoted by a local clinic! Also how can I find out if this local clinic has a good reputation? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I found this site while working on some marketing projects for the orthopedic office I work for, and although this post is from 3 months ago I wanted to offer a little info. We started doing the AlloGen injections a few months ago with great results so far. It is surprising to me, after researching the costs at other clinics, how much these injections are being marked up. I guess I am lucky to work for 2 orthopedic surgeons who are truly in this field to help people in our community, as they are charging less than half of what I have found to be the “normal” or average cost: we charge $2000 per injection, while the other clinics in our region average $4500-$6000 per injection. As one of the only clinics here in the eastern Michigan area who offer this treatment, we certainly could follow suit and take advantage of people who don’t want to travel the 2 hour drive to the Detroit area. We have patients who have called the injections “life-changing”, and I know that our physicians get more from hearing that then they ever would from overcharging their patients. As far as knowing how reputable a clinic is, I have found that most clinics, especially ones who would offer this type of treatment, have several ways for patients to leave feedback. Between Healthgrades.com, Yelp, Facebook, and Google (to name a few) you should be able to find feedback, as patients who have a notably good or bad experience with a physician are apt to share their experience with others. Good luck and thanks for reading!
where is this clinic that charges $ 2000.00 per injection?
My doc charged me $2000 for a stem cell with PRP for my shoulder tear. They couldn’t get my blood drawn. They tried 5 times in my arm and once in my neck. This has never happened to me. So he skipped the PRP and did the stem cell injection. My arm was moving better in the office but now I’m back to where I’ve started. Still in pain and my arm still stiff and crunchy. How do I even know he injected me with a stem cell and not a cortizon shot???? They returned $500 to me since they couldn’t do the PRP. Just sucks spending $1500 out of my pocket and I’m still the same. This was done January 30, 2017 Monterey, CA.
I had a right reverse total shoulder replacement 6 week ago and i’m feeling allot better already. I had the left one replaced 5 years ago and can’t complain. Good luck
Hi Katrina, I live in the bay area and considering stem cell and PRP for repair of partial thickness tear of my rotater cuff. While I don’t think there will be a problem drawing my blood, I’m skeptical. Especially when the Dr. is charging 5k for the stem cell and $500 for PRP….pretty big investment. Do you feel you would have benefited from the PRP alone?
Carl, I also live in Bay Area. I also suffer form near full thickness RC tear. Did you try the treatement? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I live in Australia can this be obtained locally as I am a candidate for multible knee replacments
Check the doctor or clinic at healthgrades.com.
Papillontwo, Place in Missouri that does both knees with patients bone marrow and PRP for $2400 with booster for $1200. About 2 hour procedure since they have to process stem cells. 14 people have had much success with them and will go back in 4 to 7 years for another treatment. Orthopedic doctors that changed from Surgery to Stem Cell. Wish I could post name.???
Would like to talk to you privately and refer you to a “real scientist/physician” who is well respected and has published hundreds of peer reviewed articles on cardiac stem cell use. He saved my life
Happy to talk to you privately. How do you want to make contact as I don’t believe it is proper to put email addresses on this site. Can start with Facebook message.
A real physician in cardiac stem cell use – why don´t you name him so we can all check it out?
Donna – above in her comment, stated the second treatment option offered by her clinic. – I believe she may be referring to cells that are derived from bone marrow and the cost ( at least for me is prohibitive) at $12,000.
Let’s not mention specific clinics by name here so we can keep the discussion free flowing.
So let us talk talk talk, but not name any clinics, eh? Are YOU one of the corrupt doctors or a clinic investor???
I’m with the “citizen!” How can you have a discussion without mentioning where you had your treatment done at? Like “citizen” said, are you one of the doctors or investors???!!!??
I traveled to Sunrise Florida in January to the US stem cell clinic and had the adipose tissue lipo’d from my left flank. The treatment lasted ~ an hour and 1/2 – the cost is generally $5000 with a 2000 extra (optional) cost for banking cells to take home. I was able to secure a spot for half price allowing students to train on me. Cost $2500. I also received 10 syringes with Platelet rich plasma to take home and use every 4th day. It made me congested and was uncomfortable for a day or two after using the PRP in a nebulizer.
Its hard to quantify any increase in lung function but this can be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise and the proper supplements. I would recommend that those who do opt for the treatment, temper expectations but also realize strict diet and exercise is just as important or more important. I definitely feel it has helped if only to put me back to a rough baseline or at the very least, psychologically.
Hi Jim- I’m having treatment at this clinic in the next week for an autoimmune condition(fat extraction followed by IV treatment.) I am having second thoughts because I have read about the lawsuits filed against the clinic. I haven’t talked to any patients who have been there and there aren’t any reviews online. It sounds like you had a good experience. Could I contact you by personal email?
Thanks- Phyllis
The last treatment I had was part of a study. I paid nothing to participate. Stem cell therapy has been life changing for me. I was couch bound and was prone to getting bronchitis and pneumonia frequently before having stem cell treatment. I also was taking several prescription medications prior to treatment and now I only take one. I have COPD. I would gladly refer others to the doctor who treated me but he is no longer treating COPD patients because of the FDA.
What type of stem cell therapy was used? It is ashame when the FDA stands in the way of treatment of a dIsease like COPD.
I would love to hear more on this, I have COPD and and seriously thinking if this would be an option for me.
IV your own adipose derived stem cells over several treatments, we’ve had success with that.
Hey Robert.. thank you for your post. what condition were you treating with your own stem cell adipose? could you also elaborate. what was your experience,, healing time? etc.. I’m looking at trying to heal facet joint tear in my lower back. I wish I could find more information on success with joints.. it seams like the COPD and MS and other illness (God bless us all) are the main posts. looking more for stem cell success with pain management
I am curious also , about the COPD treatments. Like….what type of stem cells did you use? Was PRP involved? How many times did you have to do it? Was it an IV drip, or were the stem cells injected? Were there any side effects? Like….was your breathing worse before it got better? Did you get congested for a while? I have read great things about this in the FDA studies , but they are SOOOOOO slowwwwww. It took 3 years for a preliminary study :/ And they go , what? 3 phases? Thats like 10 more years!! How many people will die , horrible, agonizing deaths before then? Stem cell therapy research has been around for decades , why is it just now coming out? Would love to hear more , and hope everyone here has great success with their treatments . It IS expensive , and not covered by insurance . Which…well I can go on forever about that!
Yes, I had stem cell treatment in Tampa, Florida, my experience was negative in that it, or the following meds that I was “required” to take made me very ill.
I paid over $10,000.00 and no I thought it an unreasonable price.
The stem cell treatment was for C.O.P.D..
My husband first saw a billboard on the highway when they first opened
and because of the lack of results I would not recommend the clinic.
The clinic and the people were very nice but of course I was paying them handsomely and after the failure of the first treatment they wanted me to have a different stem cell treatment at almost twice the price of the first one.
What kind procedure you had? I dit whith my blood not the fat. 3 times for 1500.00
With the blood is prp. Unless you took terrible drugs first which forced the stem cells into your blood stream. At the cost you paid, I can pretty much assure you it was platelet rich plasma. Were you inhaling a mist or getting it IV?
Katherine Knoll
Hi James more info wood be good, where did you have it why did you have it, how was it harvested…what is the name for this type of stem cell treatment ect
Where did you have yours done? What did you have done? And did it work?
Hi Donna – I’m a TV Producer working on a piece about stem cell treatments and I’d love to speak with you. Please call me anytime at 212-259-1529. Thanks!!
Hello Lauren, my sister has ALS and I have been looking online for information on stem cell treatment for her. What does your piece focus on?
Hi Silvia, My husband also has ALS. Have you gotten Anywhere with your research on stem cell infusions?
I saw your post and thought I would share
I had cord blood stems cell infused into me on January 2 2018 as I have bulb are ALS and have had it for almost 2 years
I saw a doctor in Toronto that deals in Eastern and Western medicine Intergrative medicine
I will share the effects with you when ando if I feel them
It’s been 3 weeks and it may take time to work
Peggy from Ontario Canada
Hi Peggy Did you have this procedure in Toronto? Could you tell me where and how are you doing?
a doctor friend of mind who has been diagnosed with ALS, has been going to Israel There is a Dr. there who has been working on Stem Cell for ALS for twenty years. my friend was told he would see no improvement but they would hope to stop progression. he has been back and forth four times he is still progressing but it seems slower. but maybe it would of slowed down on its own. very expensive for travel, and treatment
Hi Lauren, I am considering this procedure for hip OA. When/where will your piece air?
Teresa Kinter (MI)
Hello Teresa, I am considering for my hip as well. If you get any information, please pass it on
Hi Glenn, I had Stem Cell done on my hip and Back. At the time I could barely walk, couldn’t drive, Had a very hard time getting in and out of bed, Pain even in bed on pain killers. Etc. My Stem Cell was Not taken from me, is was shipped in. I’m 68 yrs. old, and a very stubborn guy. did not do as I was told. I was put on a liquid (powered)diet, told to drink 8 bottles of water a day, and my Chiropractor twice to three times a week. Started feeling Great, That lasted a couple of months, my fault, dumb, but had Family Problems, and gave up.. it really started to work. She(Chiro.) still calls me, today, a year and a half later, I gained weight, not good, I don’t drink enough water(one bottle a day), and don’t exercise. yet, Today, I drive, get in and out of bed with no pain. walk with a cane, sometimes forget and walk without. Still do get pain when standing too long or walking to far in lower back. I truly believe if I followed instruction, I would be totally healed. Good Luck, and God Bless.
Where did you receive the treatment? What was the cost?
Actually will leave this reply to many in this group…having been down this road and learning what is fact and fiction. No evidence yet of safety or effectiveness of treating disease with stem cells at this point so save your money. Stem cell treatment for orthopedics can be very effective if done properly. Although there are stem cells in fat they are not very successful for cartilage stimulation and you will throw away your money. Bone marrow stem cells distinguish into Cartilage quite well if there is enough cartilage remaining in the joint for the cells to imbed. Hips are not so likely to improve however as knees and other joints. Also if range of motion is already a problem you will be a poor candidate for this treatment for hips. There are no viable stem cells in the processed amniotic fluid. Legitimate stem cell labs have tested this product and found no live cells. There may be something of some small benefit in it but nothing worth the price or the risk. My thumbs responded quite well with about a 60 % improvement, taking about 6 months to notice a difference (Bone marrow plus platelets). Knees come along faster. Two friends had bilateral knee bone marrow stem cell last summer and both are doing well, dancing, and walking away from knee replacements. I just had the facet joints done in my back. I have multiple back problems so I opted to treat what could be successful. (Disc injections are questionable so can’t do anything about herniated disc.)to get the highest stem cell count the marrow should be taken from multiple sites as the first 10 to 20 % of the stem cell layer is richest. I had six sites of harvest for my facet treatment. Platelets need to be added to help the cells grow. Prolotherapy should be performed around the joint to firm up the ligaments which weaken with pain, arthritis, injury. Too bad clinics are popping up everywhere and selling dead tissue and injections by doctors who are not highly trained and experienced with the right labs and equipment. Many doctors mean well but also are victims of salespeople peddling this stuff. It becomes hard for patients to make good decisions as i can see here in this thread. There are legitimate clinics out there so don’t do for fat or amniotic fluid, etc. For orthopedics and stay away from other disease treatments not yet fda approved. Best wishes to all
Thank you for your very informative post. I’m looking into stem cell treatment for OA in my knee to avoid a total replacement.
I had both my knees done on May 16, 2017. My right knee had arthritis. My left knee had an injury 8 years ago and very arthritic. By xray I showed some menicus thin but there on both knees.
At the injury site only a slight layer of menicus. After having my own stem cells harvested from my stomach area and mixed it with the PPP of the 180 cc of blood they drew from me earlier.
Immediately I had no pain in left. Still don’t. My left one is pretty good. I have a loose tendon so I wear a strap under it to stop it from snapping. I’ve done a lot of stair climbing this summer and its hard on my left knee. I try to avoid stairs now and things are better. Have to take a Tylenol for it if I over do it for my left knee’s sake. Would repeat on left again if necessary.
Sounds like you had a pretty good result. Can you tell me what your cost range was?
Ellen, i would love to hear how you are doing now. I am thinking of having this done on both knees
Thank you!
Many stem cell therapies fail. Because they are not bioactivated once iinjected Light stimulation helps to activate the cells to repair and regenerste the target tissue much like sunlight stimulates VD3 to make bones stronger
Goto YouTube and search “laserguided Stem Cell Therapy knees”
People mention amniotic fluid, don’t you mean umbilical cells? Umbilicla cells i think would be better or me as i am not young.
Hi Ellen- can you tell us what type of stem cell treatment you used? Was it from amniotic fluid or from your own fat or marrow?
Hi Bonita, Jpw are the facet joints doing?
Thanks for the onfo on hips. I wss seriously considrring it gor cartilage replacement. Woll probably not now.
Thinking about stem cells for my hip. Please pass on any info. Thank you
You have to get to it early. I inherited my father’s joints. He had two hips, two knees and a shoulder replaced. I had the left hip replaced at age 40. I am approaching the surgery date for the right hip which will occur on January 30. I looked into stem cell treatment but let it goto long. There is NO SPACE or CARTILAGE between the bone and socket and, as they say, you can’t grow grass on cement. If there is no space and the joint has degraded too far, stem cell can not help.
My husband is having it done tomorrow morning.
Donna, How did it go and where did he have this done.
I had stem cell ,
Prp and amniotic fluid injections in both my hips on Thursday 3/9/17
I’m experiencing numbness in the right leg which I believe is the leg he took the stem cells from .
Anyone have this issue ? If so did it go away and how long ?
I had PRP injections (January 2017) in my lower back. 3 months later and there’s no relief. No numbness, but tingling in my left foot. The injections were concentrated on the left side of my back. One injection hit a nerve going down my left leg and felt like a mild lighting bolt!) If I stretch it generally gets better. I was hoping for better news.
how did your husband do Donna, My wive need hip replacement now
I hope it went well and does what you need.
I had it 4 weeks ago it never stops hurting and the paperwork they gave me said it could hurt from 4 to6 mo. Or maybe will not get better at all. Please don’t do it .We should All take them to be shurt down .IT Don’t Work. Please don’t Do It. Lorene
where did you have this done and for what?
Approximately 2 weeks ago, I had a placenta matrix injected into my tendons. Prior to this I had 2 surgeries. I had 8 years on my peroneal tendons. After the first 2 surgeries, I ruptured the tendons again, so my Podiatrist suggested the placenta matrix. I had never heard of it before. My insurance did not cover it, so I did have to pay for the (placenta) out of pocket, but not the procedure. It has been 2 weeks and I am still trying to heal. I pray that this works.
How are you doing now? I hope you are feeling better! I have a ruptured ankle tendon and am considering stem cells
I had a placeta stem cell injection in two of my hand joints, knuckle area ,due too arthritis…it has been 3 months ….no improvement yet…the doctor at the clinic said it could take 6 to 8 months…so im still hoping …the procedure at this clinic was $3,000 .
This is a timely piece. The claims are so encouraging even to the point of replacing THipR . But I am 9 weeks into t he process for sever hip pain in Kansas City with no results. The hardest part for me was staying completely of Nsaids and Ibuprofen..Maybe I can call you as well.
If you have hip replacement, please have the Anterior Approach method. 4″ incision on front of hips. No restrictions. Faster recovery than side or rear. I had bilateral hip replacement by the Anterior Approach in November 2012 and have had no problems. Driving in 2 weeks. When I switched from a walker to walking sticks, I could walk much better and back did not hurt as it did using walker.
I’ve had both minimally invasive on left and side hip approach on right for hip replacement. I notice my right hip is stronger and my left is weaker and still has light pain. If you do minimally invasive, be sure to exercise afterwards and build up those muscles.
Hi Donna my son is going to Mexico for stem cell treatment for M S. His appointment is in June. We have been doing events to save money for this. We live in Scotland.
Actually I had amniotic stem cell injection in my hip (osteoarthritis) went 9 weeks without ibuprofen, ice or any other anti inflammatory medication. No results – actually more hip pain. The chiropractic health center initially in the seminar and evaluation said that in the rare event that there was no improvement, they would re-administer the injection. Now they a re reneging and claim there is microscopic cartilage growth shown on an ex-ray. I am thinking of taking them to small claims court. I paid $3100.00 cash for the injection from a nurse practitioner in the office. I am 64 and have a high deductible health insurance plan til I’m 65.
Where were you when u had your treatment? I’m in Texas was thinking about getting this done cost is 7000.00 for both knees and left hip
I have MS and talking with clinics in MX and StemGenex in California hope you’ve done your research. Each clinic has different approach and none seem to have any way to scientific test success/fail. ALSO, even if successful, must go back for booster treatments. Im still deciding and raising money in case I decide affirmative.
Have you considered HSCT? You have to go or of the country, however the results ase usually very good. The kind you are thinking about does not have lasting results. Please research the other.
Rachelle was just reading about and considering StemGenex. Have you decided anything yet? Is there anything you have found in your research you can share? Thanks Lisa
Been wanting to try treatment (adipose autologous mesenchymal stem cell treatment) from Stemgenex as well (I have MS)…currently raising funds. Still would love to hear more actual reviews so if you get it would you please share your experience? Thanks, Jan
Hi Lauren, I just left u a phone msg. I’m starting to gather information to have stem cells with my platelets added to help with my oa and torn meniscus. Will it work for me? What type is recommended? The doc who would administer is an anesthesiologist. Thank you! Crossing fingers this is a good idea. I sure don’t want knee replacement.
Hi Bobbi Can you let me know how it worked out for you. Was it successful? and How long did it take for you to feel better.
I’m 73 yo and have torn meniscus and OA. 3 orthos told me I needed knee replacement. Heard about stem cell and had umbilical stem cells injected then my PRP injected a month later. My knee doesn’t hurt nor buckle any more. It does still get ‘tired’ and a little sore but it’s only been about 6 wks since stem cells. I was given a 6 pg printout of what to do (exercise and walking) for the first few months. I still have personal trainers but all exercises are done while I’m seated as not supposed to lift more than about 8# for about 2 months and can’t do my normal body conditioning workout also for about 2 months. It cost $5,500 (the $500 was for the PRP). They were running a special — if you got cc’s the second cc only $1,000 more. I figured better to have more so got lucky I was able to avail myself of the ‘deal.’ Insurance doesn’t cover but it’s a non-reimbursable medical — including mileage there/back each time. I should have enough to be over the 7.5% so won’t be ‘hurting’ too badly with taxes. Also, they suggested I get a new knee brace that would push my knee over (my previous one kept it in place) so it would go back to the ‘normal’ position. The rep fitted me and showed me how to adjust the ‘gizmo’ that can give more or less tension properly. So far, I am very pleased with the injections and can only improve even more!
I received stem cells in both knees six weeks ago. There has been no change, and I have actually felt worse – headaches from caffeine withdrawl (which was required) and soreness in my knees with the inability to take anti-inflammatory meds. Yesterday I had the PRP injections to help “boost” the stem cells. The one in my left knee rendered me unable to walk. The pain was terrible. I am hopeful that there will be an improvement with time, but I am not optimistic. I was so excited to find something that might help my knees, as I was diagnosed with arthritis 40 years ago at the age of 12. I jumped right in and did not do my research. They said, “No risk,” and I figured they couldn’t make that claim if it weren’t true. Clearly, there’s a risk. I see many people here who are actually worse off than before the injections. And that’s not to mention the out-of-pocket expense. I paid $8K for both knees!
^ weeks is too early, may be down the road, it will get better
What kind of stem cells did you have? I am trying to find someone who went to a holistic clinic in Utah where they specialize in amniotic stem cell therapy and the results seem impressive compared to all other types of stem cell for knee OA. thanks
Hi Donna,
I’m very sorry, but there is NO such thing as amniotic stem cells. The ONLY way to receive live stem cells is autologously. What you are describing is regenerative therapy. Stem cell therapy and amniotc therapy are NOT synonymous!! If a doc is telling you different then he/she is completely incompetent or a flat out BS artist.
You are not correct in your assumptions.
Sorry Shannon- those are not assumptions. That is fact.
i challenge you to provide any evidence to the contrary and/or produce the name of an amniotic product/manufacturer that allegedly has live stem cells. In turn, I provide the necessary science based and legal evidence to disprove your erroneous claim.
Is this Shannon RICH
Had umbilical stem cells injected in 2 knees, left shoulder and 2.2 cc IV. Took 1/2hour. Not invasive. Not enough time to tell yet what will happen. I’ll keep in touch.
Bobbi, What kind of knee brace did you get that moves the knee back in place? I have had prp and stem cell done and love it. But one knee was out of place more than the other one and I was wondering about a brace.
It’s by Bledsoe and is ref: RK519103; stem cell doc had me talk to the rep. I needed foam as brace hurt below knee. She was able to put it onto the brace for me and I noticed improvement. Doc said need to wear it a min of 2 hrs/day…
Bobbi Sloan. Were Stem Cells injected into the knee bone? Having Stem Cells in 6 weeks and have to decide if injected into the sac or into the bone.
Thank you, Deborah
Thinking about stem cell treatment for my hip. I am 74 years young, Dr. is recommending AMNIOTIC STEM CELLS Stated at my age cells are not as good and have fewer, therefore may be hard to harvest enough. Looking for any and all info on this from anyone and everyone.
From what I have been researching, Human Umbilical Cord stem cells are the very best for treatment. Highest concentration of cells, cells are less mature therefore your own body does not recognize them as foreign and results typically occur in 4 to 6 weeks, tho sometimes sooner. I am considering it for hip pain. The cost in Michigan is around $4,000. Good luck to you.
Hi Janice
Please state where you are getting your information from? What type of scientific evidence or data has been provided to you in order to make such a claim? I’m sorry, but if a regenerative manufacturer, or regenerative manufacturer surrogate is telling you they can provide live stem cells via umbilical cord therapy one of 3 things are certain:
1. They are lying! FRUAD
2. They are providing a therapy in which cells have been manipulated! ILLEGAL
3. They have absolutely no clue of what about what they are talking about! SAD
Your information is incorrect
Rick where are you getting information to say umbunical cord stem don’t work. There is a clinic in Panama that uses them.