Search Results for: arthritis

Vermont zeroes in on unproven stem cell clinics


A variety of states have stepped up to address unproven stem cell clinics within their borders and the latest is Vermont. According to the VTDigger and writer Anne Wallace Allen, the Vermont Medical Society is planning a number of steps to address this situation. For example, at their encouragement a Vermont lawmaker will introduce legislation

Vermont zeroes in on unproven stem cell clinics Read More »

My B grade to Google on early test of its stem cell clinic ad ban

Google ads policy, stem cell therapies

As of October 1, Google was supposed to have banned ads for unproven stem cell clinics and products. This was according to their own new policy. How’s that going? How’s this new Google approach to unproven stem cell marketing working out in the real wild world of the web? To test it, I did over

My B grade to Google on early test of its stem cell clinic ad ban Read More »

FDA Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy RMAT designations jump to 36


This post includes my updated list of firms/products that have received FDA regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation or RMAT, which are in the public domain. The numbers really jumped in the last month. I’m assuming for the purposes of this resource page that all self-reports are accurate. Note that the links embedded into the firm

FDA Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy RMAT designations jump to 36 Read More »

Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper

The-Stem-Cell-Institute-stem-cells-for-autism, Panama Stem Cell

Amongst all that is bouncing around within the stem cell clinic maelstrom out there, one thing stands out for me as the most troubling. I’m talking about for-profit experimentation on children, such as injection of kids with unproven stem cells for autism or cerebral palsy by unproven clinics. In my opinion it’s almost always going

Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper Read More »

7-Year Glitch? Updates on my overly optimistic 2013 stem cell predictions for 2020


Back in 2013, a half dozen years ago, I went out on a limb and made predictions for the stem cell field for 2020. These are different than my yearly predictions for the coming year (for instance, you can see my predictions made in 2018 for this year of 2019 here). As to my 2013

7-Year Glitch? Updates on my overly optimistic 2013 stem cell predictions for 2020 Read More »

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy at unproven clinics?

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy? Even at clinics? What about coverage from employers?

Stem cell injections at unproven clinics are expensive and unproven so a lot of patients have asked me if insurance covers stem cell therapy at clinics? Mostly the answer is “no”, but in rare cases there is some kind of coverage, mainly from employers that have inked some kind of deal with a stem cell

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy at unproven clinics? Read More »

FDA recalls Liveyon stem cell product: blow to big clinic supplier?


The FDA has issued a recall of the main stem cell product of a California firm called Liveyon that is linked to unproven stem cell clinics. The recall seems to have been due to “adverse reactions.” An emerging big player in the birth-related stem cell clinic area? I’ve been hearing the name Liveyon pop up

FDA recalls Liveyon stem cell product: blow to big clinic supplier? Read More »