Search Results for: World Stem Cell Summit

Many great remaining stem cell meetings in 2014


2014 Stem Cell Meetings, Conferences, and Courses still to come before year’s end. NYSCF NY Stem Cell Foundation 9th Annual Meeting, NYC, NY Oct 14-15. Till & McCulloch Meetings, Ottowa, Canada, Oct. 27-29. Cellular Therapies Manufacturing & Clinical Trials in Canada Workshop, Ottawa, ON Canada, October 29-30, 2014. World Alliance Forum 2014 on Impact of Regenerative

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Stem Cell Person of the Year 2014 Award: Vote To Choose 12 Finalists


Nominations have closed and we have more than two dozen nominations for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2014. It’s an exciting, diverse group including some news faces as well as nominees from years past as well. Happy Stem Cell Day! You can now vote for your choice for the top finalists in the poll

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Stem cell story of the year: human therapeutic cloning


There have been many interesting developments in stem cells in 2013, but to me the biggest event by far was the first ever successful somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)-based human therapeutic cloning. This approach generated apparently genetically normal human embryonic stem cells (hESC), an astonishing accomplishment. There are two kinds of human cloning: therapeutic and reproductive.

Stem cell story of the year: human therapeutic cloning Read More »

What the National Advocacy Award for Stem Cells Means to Me

The 2013 World Stem Cell Summit this past week in San Diego was an amazing experience with so many positives to it. Being the recipient of the National Advocacy Award for stem cells was certainly wonderful and exciting. The fact that Michael J. Fox was a past recipient of this same award blows my mind. To

What the National Advocacy Award for Stem Cells Means to Me Read More »

Denny Sanford gives $100 Million for UCSD Stem Cell Research

Philanthropist Denny Sanford has made huge contributions to advancing biomedical research including $70 million to the Sanford Burnham Institute in La Jolla and $30 million to the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine. Now Sanford has donated the whopping sum of $100 million to advance stem cell research at UCSD according to the San Diego Union Tribune

Denny Sanford gives $100 Million for UCSD Stem Cell Research Read More »