Search Results for: crispr

Recommended reads: ISSCR guidelines pushback, TB outbreak from regen product, pubs


Although in my years as a stem cell biologist I haven’t yet been in a leadership role at the International Society for Stem Cell Research or ISSCR, unproven stem cell clinics have claimed that I somehow speak for ISSCR. I am just a standard member of the group like thousands of other researchers. In fact, […]

Recommended reads: ISSCR guidelines pushback, TB outbreak from regen product, pubs Read More »

When does a human embryo model become the real thing & other tough questions for a new field

human embryo model mukul tewary sm

A human embryo model is a laboratory-produced collection of living cells that has some key things in common with real human embryos. They are made from pluripotent stem cells, which include embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. This research is both exciting and ethically complicated, raising some difficult questions. Embryo

When does a human embryo model become the real thing & other tough questions for a new field Read More »

Weekly reads: embryo pubs stir things up, organoids crying, & more

organoids tear glands sm

This was an unusual week in that three papers in a sense collided together related to embryo production and growth, raising new research possibilities but also serious ethical questions. New research: what is an embryo & what is not? The first two Nature papers reported generating the most realistic models of human embryos from scratch

Weekly reads: embryo pubs stir things up, organoids crying, & more Read More »

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions


In any given field of biomedical science like stem cell research and regenerative medicine, it’s very useful if you can accurately predict the future. It seems, though, that predictions are far more difficult within the more exciting and rapidly-changing fields. The field of stem cells and regenerative medicine fits that bill. Past stem cell research

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions Read More »

Our Educational Mission on The Niche Stem Cell Site


Our mission here on The Niche is primarily educational. We aim to make a transformative difference in educating readers across the globe about stem cells, regenerative medicine, and innovative biomedical science more generally including CRISPR gene editing. A major part of that mission involves fact-checking various medical claims about stem cells and other biologics like

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