Monday, March 2: My Reddit AMA on 3-Person IVF – Mitochondrial Transfer

reddit-logoOn Monday, I’ll be doing another Reddit AMA, this time on 3-person IVF also known as 3-parent IVF, mitochondrial transfer, 3-parent babies, etc.

You can see the upcoming AMAs including mine listed in the right sidebar here.

Mine will start at 10AM PST/1PM EST.

I hope to discuss with a wide audience all the key issues surrounding this exciting, but highly controversial technology just legalized in the UK. I will answer as many questions as possible.

Here’s what the AMA intro will say:

Science AMA Series: Dr. Paul Knoepfler | 3-Parent Babies/Mitochondrial Transfer
Hi, I’m Paul Knoepfler, stem and cancer cell biologist and genomics researcher, author, & blogger. I have been closely following the recent development of 3-person IVF/mitochondrial transfer also sometimes referred to as 3-parent baby technology.
It’s a really intriguing, hot topic right now. In the UK, the first 3-parent baby (hopefully prevented from having mitochondrial disease) could be conceived as early as sometime this year. The technology is current prohibited in the US by the FDA, which looks to be at a minimum 2-5 years away from even possibly approving it with the delay meant to give more time to get data on safety and efficacy.
By way of disclosure, I’ve been advocating for waiting for more data before proceeding, but I am not in principle opposed to the technology when the time is right. Most UK scientists support moving forward on this technology asap.
Is this technology ready for prime time? Or is the US right to be more cautionary. Is it safe and would it be effective in preventing mitochondrial diseases? Since this technology would also create genetically modified humans, what bioethical issues should be discussed?
It brings into play many cutting edge, timely issues such as assisted reproduction, cloning, genomics technologies such as sequencing and gene editing, GMOs, and more.
You might want to check out my blog at and my new book on stem cells, Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide
You can also want follow me on Twitter @pknoepfler if you like for all the latest, I will be answering questions starting at 1 PM EST (10 AM PST) Ask Me Anything!

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