Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Overview of IPS cell prospects for clinical impact


IPS cell research is a growing area of promise for regenerative medicine. These stem cells, also known as iPSCs or more formally as Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, are engineered cells that are programmed to function the same way as embryonic stem cells. They can be differentiated into possibly any type of cell that is needed for

Overview of IPS cell prospects for clinical impact Read More »

Regenerative reads: pig fat, cancer, organoids, more


It’s usually a tossup as to whether my weekly reads skew more towards stem cells/regenerative medicine or cancer. Other times they are more enriched for genomics and epigenetics articles. Seeds of cancer in normal skin, Nature News & Views Engineering synthetic morphogen systems that can program multicellular patterning, Science. Pig fat can be used to

Regenerative reads: pig fat, cancer, organoids, more Read More »

Duke Autism Center has Panama clinic to thank for $10s millions?


What do a Panama stem cell clinic and the Duke Autism Center have in common? More than I might have imagined. It’s a remarkable story that needs telling. Duke Autism Center There is a puzzle when it comes to the controversial idea of using cord blood for autism. Why? Because two of the strongest proponents

Duke Autism Center has Panama clinic to thank for $10s millions? Read More »

Weekly reads on organoids, COVID, CRISPR, cold chromatin, more


As a researcher, is there ever enough time to get to everything that you want to read especially in newer areas like stem cells, organoids, and CRISPR, without even including non-scientific reads like Shakespeare or a new novel or something like that? Hopefully, putting together lists of recommended reads like today’s post is helpful. I

Weekly reads on organoids, COVID, CRISPR, cold chromatin, more Read More »

Weekly reads: lab meat, crow brain biology, direct reprogramming, more


Does time seem somewhat warped to anyone else in 2020 even without having  had COVID, which could alter brain function? It just seems like with everything going on that time simultaneously both drags and zooms by this year. One sort of reassuring element is that papers keep on being published so we can enjoy cool

Weekly reads: lab meat, crow brain biology, direct reprogramming, more Read More »

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs


When you sit down to read science on the weekends lately, assuming you are not primarily a COVID-19 researcher, how much COVID stuff seeps into your reading? As I was going over some of this year’s recommended weekly reads posts here on The Niche, I’ve realized that an increasing amount of COVID-19 research has joined

Recommended reads: PSC, COVID, FDA pledge, sci jobs Read More »

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps


Something called, “The International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing” has issued a new report on heritable human genome editing (HHGE). The Commission was convened by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.K.’s Royal Society. This post is my initial take on the summary of

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps Read More »