Search Results for: World Stem Cell Summit

Many reasons why you should attend this year’s World Stem Cell Summit!

This year’s World Stem Cell Summit is looking to be an amazing meeting and I highly recommend that you attend. By going you can learn a great deal about stem cells whether you are a stem cell scientists or not. But in addition, the Summit offers the opportunity to learn a lot more including about

Many reasons why you should attend this year’s World Stem Cell Summit! Read More »

Hub of regenerative medicine & stem cell meetings 2023

With the pandemic still here but less severe there are more in-person conference opportunities including stem cell meetings. It seems certain that moving forward though that there will be far more virtual opportunities too. That’s a good thing. You can see last year’s stem cell & regenerative medicine meetings 2022 page too. 2023 stem cell

Hub of regenerative medicine & stem cell meetings 2023 Read More »

Rick Perry plugs Celltex MSCs on Fox for COVID-19 prevention


Why is former Texas Governor/Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry plugging unproven stem cells from a clinic firm called Celltex for COVID-19 prevention on Fox News? Perry follows in Giuliani’s footsteps? And more generally, what is it with conservative politicians promoting unproven therapies for COVID-19 and in particular stem cells for the novel coronavirus disease? First,

Rick Perry plugs Celltex MSCs on Fox for COVID-19 prevention Read More »

7-Year Glitch? Updates on my overly optimistic 2013 stem cell predictions for 2020


Back in 2013, a half dozen years ago, I went out on a limb and made predictions for the stem cell field for 2020. These are different than my yearly predictions for the coming year (for instance, you can see my predictions made in 2018 for this year of 2019 here). As to my 2013

7-Year Glitch? Updates on my overly optimistic 2013 stem cell predictions for 2020 Read More »

Loring on how documentary tied to stem cell clinics began to unravel


By Jeanne Loring There has been news over the last few days about stem cell researchers pulling out from a documentary called “The Healthcare Revolution”.  First to report on June 15 was Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle, followed by David Jensen’s California Stem Cell Report blog, Michael Hiltzik of the LA Times, and

Loring on how documentary tied to stem cell clinics began to unravel Read More »

Stem cell & regenerative medicine meetings for you to go to in 2019


I keep a yearly hub of stem cell & regenerative medicine meetings here on The Niche. Below I’ve pasted the list for 2019, which continues to grow. If you don’t see yours listed, send me an email with the info including a link (knoepflerATucdavisDOTedu). These meeting listings are not endorsements and I try to make

Stem cell & regenerative medicine meetings for you to go to in 2019 Read More »