Search Results for: World Stem Cell Summit

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease


By Jeanne Loring There are ten million people in the world who have Parkinson’s disease. 125,000 of these are living in California.  People with the disease often have to step away from their jobs because the main symptoms – tremor or freezing up of muscles – make it difficult to get through a whole day

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease Read More »

New Stem Cell Clinic Trial for Alzheimer’s: Perspectives & Questions


A team at the University of Miami has launched a claimed first of its kind stem cell clinic trial for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The trial seems somewhat unique in using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) for AD and is being run with biotech Longeveron. You can read more on the actual clinic trial including all the

New Stem Cell Clinic Trial for Alzheimer’s: Perspectives & Questions Read More »

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie


By Heather Main I moved to the San Diego from Australia in August 2015, and Paul asked me if I could write something on my first impressions of doing science in the US, as opposed to other countries I have worked/studied in (Australia, Scotland, Sweden and Singapore). If you look at the land size of

First impressions of the US stem cell environment from an Aussie Read More »