Search Results for: bik

What is Mastodon & why so far it’s a clunky alternative to Twitter


Lately it seems like something called Mastodon is on the minds of many a Twitter user. There is a wave of people tweeting “let’s dump Twitter and go to Mastodon now that Musk has taken over!” However, so far I don’t see Mastodon as a solid alternative to the admittedly annoyingly musky Twitter. I do […]

What is Mastodon & why so far it’s a clunky alternative to Twitter Read More »

Fact-checking VSEL stem cells & VSEL treatment

VSELs, vsel ratajczak paper issues

A few people in the stem cell field keep arguing that adult pluripotent stem cells exist, including so-called “very small embryonic-like stem cells” or VSEL stem cells. These days the supposed cells are called VSELs or V-cells too. Only a handful of researchers have ever been able to report finding and studying these cells. Others

Fact-checking VSEL stem cells & VSEL treatment Read More »

Weekly reads: Google, stem cells & MS, VSELs, ‘hairy’ organoids, MYC

stem cells differentiating into neurons and glia

It’s been quite a ride doing this blog on stem cells and other technologies for more than a dozen years. So far it seems like I’ll keep it going. A large part of the reason is because of people needing good information about our field. Those people include scientists and physicians but also many in

Weekly reads: Google, stem cells & MS, VSELs, ‘hairy’ organoids, MYC Read More »

Weekly stem cell reads: pending FDA verdict, blood vessels, RA

Cellular populations in the vascular wall, stem cell niche

Any day now we should get the verdict from the judge in the big stem cell clinic case here in California against Cell Surgical Network, et al. It seems that the FDA is waiting on this verdict before taking some major actions. If the judge rules against the agency it could throw the area into

Weekly stem cell reads: pending FDA verdict, blood vessels, RA Read More »

Recommended reads: MSCs, vision, endothelial cells, more

wang et al 2020 science advances

What a year 2020 was, but there was still plenty of great science, which continues now in 2021 including published research like today’s recommended pieces and there’s one thread on MSCs today. The Niche new look, more features, and a Medical Advisory Board for 2021 Before we get to the recommended reads, note that 2021

Recommended reads: MSCs, vision, endothelial cells, more Read More »

Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers

lu et al nature eye regeneration

This week we have some interesting new reading including both on the stem cell basic and translational fronts as well as on COVID-19 vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine considerations From Derek Lowe at In The Pipeline on COVID-19 vaccine expectations at Science Translational Medicine, Get Ready for False Side Effects. You can read my views on possible

Recommended stem cell reads: retractions, aging, COVID, CRISPR soldiers Read More »

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: COVID-19 updates, Cornea Fix, Pubs


Another week and more great papers and interesting news in the regenerative medicine sphere including COVID-19 updates, stem cells for vision, and more. Rebuilding Corneas With Stem Cells Stem cell-based regenerative medicine arguably has shown the most promise for vision loss. A PR from Massachusetts Eye and Ear says: Doctors rebuild damaged corneas using patients’

Recommended regenerative medicine reads: COVID-19 updates, Cornea Fix, Pubs Read More »

CAR-T cells review: cancer & a critical look at possible uses in aging & COVID-19


Introduction to CAR-T cells CAR-T cells are an exciting cutting-edge technology that has been garnering great interest including in the stem cell field. Potential therapeutic uses of CAR-T, which stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells (CAR-T), are being studied in clinical trials as immunotherapies to potentially fight cancer as well as many other diseases by

CAR-T cells review: cancer & a critical look at possible uses in aging & COVID-19 Read More »

Help research on kid’s fatal cancers via Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation


The Knoepfler lab has formed a team to raise research funds to try to find new treatments and hopefully cures for kids facing a type of mostly fatal brain tumors. Here’s the team page. If you can give us a hand by joining the team or making a donation that’d be wonderful. Any help would be appreciated.

Help research on kid’s fatal cancers via Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Read More »