I’ve been working on a stem cells outreach program, beginning with “Stem Cells in Spanish” that I call the Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education (SCOPE).

The idea behind SCOPE is to make available on the Internet a basic page of facts about stem cells in as many languages as possible.
Our motto could be articulated as “Stem cells not lost in translation!”
Stem cells are a topic that concerns the people of the world, not just certain countries or certain people speaking only in certain languages.
SCOPE has been a big hit and as the number of languages has grown, the number of page views of my white paper “What are stem cells?” in languages besides English has skyrocketed.
2021 Update: For example, just our Stem Cells in Spanish page has received over 680,000 views as of the first half of 2021, while our Indonesian page has over 300,000 views and our Arabic page has a quarter of a million.
We are getting readers from all over the world who appreciate reading about stem cells in their own languages.
As of late 2023, we started with “Stem cells in Spanish” but now have the stem cell white paper in the following 35 languages (listed alphabetically with links in each specific language).
- Stem cells in Arabic. ماهي الخلايا الجذعية؟
- Stem cells in Bengali. সস্য কোষ (স্টেম সেল) কাকে বলে?
- Stem cells in Catalan. Què són les cèl·lules mare?
- Stem cells in Chinese. 什麼是幹細胞?
- Stem cells in Czech. Co jsou kmenové buňky?
- Stem cells in Danish. Hvad er stamceller?
- Stem cells in Dutch. Wat is een stamcel?
- Stem cells in English. What are stem cells?
- Stem cells in Farsi. سلولهای بنیادی چه هستند؟
- Stem cells in French. Qu’appelle-t-on cellules souches?
- Stem cells in German. Was sind Stammzellen?
- Stem cells in Greek Τι είναι τα βλαστοκύτταρα
- Stem cells in Hebrew. מהם תאי גזע?
- Stem cells in Hungarian. Mit nevezünk őssejtnek?
- Stem cells in Hindi. स्टेम सेल क्या हैं?
- Stem cells in Indonesian Apakah itu stem cell (sel punca)?
- Stem cells in Italian. Cosa sono le cellule staminali?
- Stem cells in Irish (Gaelic) Cad iad gaschealla?
- Stem cells in Japanese. 幹細胞ってなに?
- Stem cells in Korean 줄기세포란 무엇인가?
- Stem cells in Mongolian. Үүдэл эс гэж юу вэ?
- Stem cells in Polish. Co to są komórki macierzyste?
- Stem cells in Portuguese. O que são células tronco?
- Stem cells in Romanian. Ce sunt celulele stem?
- Stem cells in Russian. Что такое стволовые клетки?
- Stem cells in Serbian. Шта су матичне ћелије?
- Stem cells in Spanish. ¿Qué son las células madre?
- Stem cells in Swahili. Seli shina ni nini?
- Stem cells in Swedish. Vad är stamceller?
- Stem cells in Tagalog Ano ba ang mga stem cells?
- Stem cells in Tamil ஸ்டெம் ஸெல்கள் (குருத்தணுக்கள்) என்றால் என்ன?
- Stem cells in Thai สเต็มเซลล์คืออะไร
- Stem cells in Turkish. Kök hücre nedir?
- Stem cells in Ukrainian. Що таке стовбурові клітини?
- Stem cells in Vietnamese. Tế bào gốc là gì?
A big thank you goes to our volunteer translators!
If you can help with an additional translation in another language please email me at: knoepfler@ucdavis.edu
It’s a great thing to put on your CV for outreach and education, areas that many funding agencies including for fellowships are now looking for when evaluating applicants!
Pingback: Where do stem cells come from? Expert answers - diemcarpe.club
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Pingback: FDA seeking to stop procedures at two unregulated stem cell clinics | Red Green Health
Good job.I like it
I have sent a translation file of “What are stem cells” page on August, 2014 for SCOPE. I am really confused, if you did not receive my email. Please let me know.
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GP Doctor induced stem cell to 2 females. After receiving more than 25 drips the 70 years patient developed breathing difficulty and rushed to hospital as no hope patient in palliative ward. After more than a week the patient died of complication and suffocation.
The 45 yrs patient had encountered chilling & shivering after the 3rd time drip was applied that was forced to abandon due to the condition of the patient. The first 2 times drips seemed ok & good according to the patient but the 3rd was modified & extra drug was added by the GP Doctor.
The Doctor was out during the 4 hours dripping which is unusual & he was not there when his patient was having difficulty due the wrong drip. The nurses were not competent to address the problem of the patient even refusing to remove the needle from the suffering patient. Eventually the needle was taken out to disconnect.
Hi Dr. Knoepfler, I have sent you a file to add another language to your SCOPE project, but I am not sure if you have received it. It would be great if you please let me know if you have received it and I look forward to seeing my native script among the languages listed above. Thank you!
I just emailed you. I did not receive an email with the translation file however. Please try again. Thanks. Paul
Thank you very much for the reply! I have just sent you the file and hope you could receive it this time. Again, thanks for the great work!
I wonder if you have received the Uyghur translation I sent you. I know you are very busy, but I would be appreciated if you please let me know if you can include Uyghur page when it is convenient to you. Thanks.
Brilliant work! I am adding my native language-Uyghur to the list. I am sure many people around the world will benefit from this. Bravo!
Pingback: Stem Cell Outreach Success in Spanish: ¿Qué son las células madre? | Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog