Search Results for: stem cell social media

What the National Advocacy Award for Stem Cells Means to Me

The 2013 World Stem Cell Summit this past week in San Diego was an amazing experience with so many positives to it. Being the recipient of the National Advocacy Award for stem cells was certainly wonderful and exciting. The fact that Michael J. Fox was a past recipient of this same award blows my mind. To

What the National Advocacy Award for Stem Cells Means to Me Read More »

Harvard Stem Cell Institute Teases Tomorrow Will Bring Biggest Announcement Ever: Predictions

The Harvard Stem Cell Institute yesterday posted on Facebook that they will make the biggest announcement in their history tomorrow. Big hat tip to Mohammed Mostajo for the heads up and pic on this one. Thanks! What’s that all about? I’ve been working on my sources! Possible predictions…. A. SCNT-production of genetically normal human embryonic stem cells

Harvard Stem Cell Institute Teases Tomorrow Will Bring Biggest Announcement Ever: Predictions Read More »

Stem cell blog of the year 2012: by Alexey Bersenev

Stem cell blogs make a big contribution to the stem cell world. Which is the best? It’s a tough choice. This year my pick is by Alexey Bersenev as 2012 Stem Cell Blog of the Year. You can also follow Alexey on Twitter here. Congrats to Alexey. Alexey’s blog consistently is outstanding in that it

Stem cell blog of the year 2012: by Alexey Bersenev Read More »

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy

The odds of Mitt Romney becoming our next President seem to be increasing. If Romney becomes our next president, what will he do about stem cells? He’ll be an active enemy of embryonic stem cell research. He’ll support the crazy personhood movement. Why do I say that? Earlier this year I had a run in

If Romney wins, look for extremist Witherspoon Council to control his stem cell policy Read More »

The dangers of direct to media reporting of unpublished, non-peer reviewed science: the Higgstery case

I was critical earlier this week in a post of what I perceived to be the over-the-top reaction to the whole Higgs Boson situation and press fest. I went so far as to call it “hysteria” or one could say “Higgstery“. In turn, I was criticized for that blog post for being too critical and spoiling people’s

The dangers of direct to media reporting of unpublished, non-peer reviewed science: the Higgstery case Read More »

The Blob versus the blog: arguing how social media is changing science

A stodgy old scientist once said to me that he was skeptical of scientific social media with its “twitting and the blobs” …..uh, you mean blogs? But maybe he wasn’t so off track in what he said, talking about a blog as “The blob”, reflecting his thinking of blogs as akin to monsters. Is blogging

The Blob versus the blog: arguing how social media is changing science Read More »

Great interview with Lee Buckler on stem cell industry, regulatory issues, and Celltex

As I’ve been writing this blog for the last couple years it has served as a catalyst for me to meet dozens of really interesting people. One such person is Lee Buckler, a true stem cell industry guru. Given all the complex events of late in the stem cell field, I asked Lee if he

Great interview with Lee Buckler on stem cell industry, regulatory issues, and Celltex Read More »