It’s been a busy few weeks for the CRISPR arena so I’ve made a CRISPR Update. I’ve listed below links to some commentaries and key developments.
CRISPR update
- Fun Video interview on Read Science! with Joanne Manaster on my new book on CRISPR in humans, GMO Sapiens.
- CRISPR: Pursuit of profit poisons collaboration, Nature piece by Jacob Sherkow
- HIV Fights Off CRISPR Gene-Editing Attack. HIV adapts when CRISPR attacks.
- 2nd group CRISPR’s human embryos and things don’t go well. More Indels than precise gene edits, mosaicism and more.
- CRISPR biotech Intellia strikes licensing deal with Regeneron, readies IPO. It’s interesting that there are these CRISPR IPO’s when the CRISPR patent situation remains entirely up in the air.
- George Church versus Marcy Darnovksy on human modification in the WSJ
- CRISPR/Cas9 Used to Create Knockout Chickens. Bock bock adoodle moo.