Weekly reads: Macchiarini pub, cloned journal, Mammoth genome, tweet of the week

Remember Paolo Macchiarini, the famous-turned-infamous so-called “stem cell surgeon” who ended up in legal trouble and with trial participants who died? Before we get into this we have a new feature for our weekly reads, which is the stem cell and regenerative medicine tweet of the week. See that at the bottom of the post.

Another Macchiarini pub is toast

Some of Macchiarini’s troubled papers have lived on unretracted. Now another one of them is toast.

We have this from Retraction Watch: Five years after saying it won’t retract Macchiarini paper, journal does so. He still has some unretracted papers in The Lancet too, although earlier this year two of them earned expressions of concern. It seems Macchiarini is now busy as a surgeon. Not sure if he’s still doing anything stem cell related.

Paolo Macchiarini
Dr. Paolo Macchiarini in happier times.

Other reads

Tweet of the week

The lab-grown or cultured meat industry keeps mooing and bock-bocking along.

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