
Readers across the globe favor moratorium on gene editing of human germ cells in poll


In a still ongoing on-line poll, readers of this blog show a pattern of consistently favoring a moratorium on genetic modification of human germ cells. With more than 150 votes cast, the top two answers are ‘strongly favor’ and ‘favor’ a moratorium on human germline genetic modification. Only 15% strongly opposed a moratorium. Overall those

Readers across the globe favor moratorium on gene editing of human germ cells in poll Read More »

Poll results: solid support, but desire for more data before 3-parent baby tech moves forward in humans


I ran a poll asking readers of this blog about their view of 3-parent baby or IVF also known as mitochondrial transfer technology. The poll got 166 responses over a few days. The results are in and they are surprising to me at least. They trend toward some level of support rather than opposition to

Poll results: solid support, but desire for more data before 3-parent baby tech moves forward in humans Read More »

Poll shows moderate enthusiasm for ISSCR 2014 Vancouver Meeting

I’ve conduct two polls after the annual ISSCR 2014 meeting in Vancouver. Both reflect a moderate level of enthusiasm. The results are above. In the first poll, asking for a general level of enthusiasm about the meeting (let), the top answer was the middle of the road “so-so”, but this was followed by the two

Poll shows moderate enthusiasm for ISSCR 2014 Vancouver Meeting Read More »

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