Weekly Reads

The Niche’s recommended Weekly Reads on stem cell research and regenerative medicine.

Recommended reads: COVID-19 updates, FDA stem cell nod, PRC2, more


Today’s post is the latest edition of my weekly recommended reads, which this week include Fate Therapeutics, COVID-19 updates, AAMC, and more including some great pubs such as one on 2 modes of PRC2 function. Also check out this handy resource: Helpful 2020 List of Stem Cell Journals and this blast from the past post of 10

Recommended reads: COVID-19 updates, FDA stem cell nod, PRC2, more Read More »

Weekly reads: ‘junk DNA’, COVID chaos, CRISPR CasΦ, & postdoc opps, more


Here are our weekly recommended regenerative medicine and other notable science reads including a few things on COVID. It’s been quite an interesting week. “Junk DNA” is not so junky, role in differentiation NIH scientists showed how ancient retroviral genes, or “junk DNA”, may play a role in helping stem cells decide to become neurons. This

Weekly reads: ‘junk DNA’, COVID chaos, CRISPR CasΦ, & postdoc opps, more Read More »

OCT4-SOX DNA dance, PRC2, a noisy competition & more cell weekly reads


What’s new in the stem cell, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine world as well as biomedical science more generally including cancer? There’s quite a bit of news as reflected in media pieces and new pubs. Today’s post is focused on pubs that just came out. For last week’s recommended reads see here. Oct4-Sox2 Nucleosome Binding

OCT4-SOX DNA dance, PRC2, a noisy competition & more cell weekly reads Read More »

Weekend reads include herding brains, stem cells, & CRISPR


Every so often here on The Niche I list science and news articles worth a look as “weekend reads”. Below is my list for this weekend. Enjoy! The first article doesn’t really fit into the other main categories, but the title “herding brains” caught my eye. Stem Cells Stem cells and regenerative capacity in aging

Weekend reads include herding brains, stem cells, & CRISPR Read More »

Recommended stem cell papers for weekend reading

Below I’ve listed some papers that are recommended for weekend reading. Enjoy. You can find more recent recommended reads here. Cool new heterochromatin stem cell aging paper in Science from Izpisua Belmonte Lab. ESC apoptosis pathway. An Apela RNA-Containing Negative Feedback Loop Regulates p53-Mediated Apoptosis in Embryonic Stem Cells, paper from Jing Huang lab in

Recommended stem cell papers for weekend reading Read More »

Some cool recent stem cell papers: recommended reading

Knoepfler lab stem cells

What have been some recent stem cell and/or regenerative medicine papers that are worth some extra thought and reading? There have been some cool ones. Note, for fun you can fast forward ahead to 2020 to see some of the recommended reads there. There was of course the very important Mitalipov group paper comparing NT

Some cool recent stem cell papers: recommended reading Read More »

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